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School Overview

Data & methodology
Matriculation A
Academics A
Extracurriculars A-
Community B+
Reviews B+
Palmer Trinity School is an independent, college-preparatory, coeducational, Episcopal day school located on 60 acres in southwest Miami-Dade County. Established in 1972, Palmer Trinity School enrolls 800 Students in grades six through twelve.
The School reflects both the metropolitan and suburban flavor of the city of Miami with 30 countries represented in its student body. Over seventy percent of the students are bilingual, and forty percent speak three or more languages. Palmer Trinity School seeks students of good academic potential and strong personal character in its commitment to fashion a diverse community.
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Palmer Trinity School With Reviews, Requirements 2025 | FindingSchool

Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School Palmer Trinity School
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School Stats

Current School
International Students
Faculty with Advanced Degrees
Teacher-Student Ratio
Average SAT Score
Average ACT Score
Class Size



Ranking University/College Students
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
#3 Yale University 2
#6 University of Chicago 1
#7 University of Pennsylvania 1
#9 California Institute of Technology 1
#10 Duke University 9
#10 Northwestern University 1
LAC #2 Amherst College 1
#13 Brown University 3
#13 Vanderbilt University 3
#15 Washington University in St. Louis 4
#17 Cornell University 5
#18 University of Notre Dame 1
#20 University of California: Los Angeles 1
#22 Carnegie Mellon University 1
#22 Emory University 1
#22 Georgetown University 3
#25 New York University 8
#25 University of Michigan 6
#25 University of Southern California 4
#25 University of Virginia 3
LAC #5 Wellesley College 3
#29 University of Florida 18
#29 Wake Forest University 4
#32 Tufts University 1
#36 Boston College 5
#36 University of Rochester 1
#38 University of California: Davis 1
#38 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2
#41 Boston University 15
#44 Northeastern University 9
#44 Tulane University 9
#51 Purdue University 5
#51 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2
#51 Villanova University 1
#55 Florida State University 16
#55 Pepperdine University 1
#55 Santa Clara University 2
#55 University of Miami 17
LAC #11 Middlebury College 2
#62 George Washington University 10
#62 Syracuse University 4
#62 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1
#67 Texas A&M University 1
#67 University of Connecticut 1
#67 University of Massachusetts Amherst 2
#72 American University 7
#72 Fordham University 2
#72 Indiana University Bloomington 4
#72 Southern Methodist University 6
LAC #15 Davidson College 1
LAC #15 Grinnell College 1
#77 Baylor University 1
#77 Clemson University 1
#77 Loyola Marymount University 1
#89 Elon University 3
#89 Juniata College 1
#89 Texas Christian University 2
LAC #18 Barnard College 3
LAC #18 University of Richmond 2
#97 University of San Diego 1
#97 University of South Florida 2
#105 Drexel University 1
#105 Rochester Institute of Technology 3
#105 University of Oregon 1
#105 University of San Francisco 1
#115 Fairfield University 2
Arizona State University 1
#121 Chapman University 2
#121 Temple University 2
#127 Illinois Institute of Technology 1
#130 Eckerd College 1
LAC #27 Macalester College 1
#136 SUNY College at Purchase 1
#137 University of Alabama 3
#137 University of Central Florida 1
LAC #29 Harvey Mudd College 1
#151 Duquesne University 1
#151 Florida International University 10
#151 University of Mississippi 4
LAC #33 College of the Holy Cross 1
#176 Catholic University of America 1
LAC #36 Mount Holyoke College 2
#182 Belmont University 1
LAC #37 Occidental College 1
LAC #39 Trinity College 1
#219 Nova Southeastern University 1
#234 Suffolk University 3
#234 University of Massachusetts Boston 1
Babson College 14
Barry University 1
Bentley University 1
College of Charleston 1
College of William and Mary 4
Delaware State University 2
Eastern University 1
Emerson College 5
Emmanuel College-Boston-MA 1
Florida Gulf Coast University 1
florida polytechnic university 1
Franklin & Marshall College 1
High Point University 1
McPherson College 1
Miami Dade College 2
Oberlin College 1
Penn State University Park 1
Pratt Institute 1
Queen Mary, University of London 1
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology 1
Rutgers University 2
Saint Joseph's University 1
Santa Fe College 2
Savannah College of Art and Design 4
School of Visual Arts 1
Tallahassee Community College 2
University of British Columbia 1
University of California: Riverside 1
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1
University of Minnesota: Twin Cities 1
University of St. Andrews 5
University of Tampa 3
Valdosta State University 1
Valencia College 1
Wheaton College 1
View all
Ranking University/College 2021-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2020 2019 Total
All schools 244 172 22 71 27
#2 Harvard College 1 + 1
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 1 1 3
#2 Columbia University 1 + 1 1 3
#5 Yale University 2 2 4
#6 University of Chicago 1 1 1 + 1 + 4
#8 University of Pennsylvania 1 1 1 + 1 4
#9 Johns Hopkins University 1 + 1 2
#9 Northwestern University 1 1 1 + 3
#9 California Institute of Technology 1 1 2
#9 Duke University 9 3 1 + 1 + 14
#13 Dartmouth College 1 + 1
#14 Vanderbilt University 3 3 1 + 7
#14 Brown University 3 3 1 + 2 1 + 10
#14 Washington University in St. Louis 4 4 1 1 10
#17 Cornell University 5 3 1 + 1 10
#17 Rice University 1 + 1
#19 University of Notre Dame 1 1 1 + 3
#20 University of California: Los Angeles 1 1 1 + 3
#21 Emory University 1 1 2
#23 Georgetown University 3 2 1 + 1 7
#23 University of Michigan 6 5 1 + 1 13
#25 University of Virginia 3 3
#25 Carnegie Mellon University 1 1
#27 University of Southern California 4 3 1 + 1 9
#28 Wake Forest University 4 3 1 8
#28 Tufts University 1 1 1 + 1 4
#28 New York University 8 8 1 + 10 1 + 28
#28 University of Florida 18 12 5 1 + 36
#34 University of Rochester 1 1
#36 Boston College 5 5 1 + 11
#38 University of California: Davis 1 1
#42 Tulane University 9 6 2 1 + 18
#42 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2 1 2 5
#42 Boston University 15 7 1 + 23
#47 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1 1 2
#49 Northeastern University 9 6 1 16
#49 Villanova University 1 1 1 3
#49 Purdue University 5 2 7
#49 Pepperdine University 1 1 2
#55 Santa Clara University 2 2 1 1 + 6
#55 Florida State University 16 9 4 1 + 30
#55 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 2 2 2 6
#55 University of Miami 17 13 3 1 + 34
#59 University of Maryland: College Park 1 1
#59 Syracuse University 4 3 7
#63 George Washington University 10 7 8 1 + 26
#63 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 2 1 3
#63 University of Connecticut 1 1 2
#68 University of Massachusetts Amherst 2 2 4
#68 Fordham University 2 2 4
#68 University of Minnesota: Twin Cities 1 1 2
#68 Indiana University Bloomington 4 4 8
#68 Texas A&M University 1 1 2
#68 Southern Methodist University 6 4 2 12
#75 Clemson University 1 2 3
#75 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 1 1 2
#75 Baylor University 1 1 1 3
#75 Loyola Marymount University 1 1 1 3
#79 American University 7 5 5 1 + 18
#79 North Carolina State University 1 1
#83 University of California: Riverside 1 1 2
#83 Texas Christian University 2 2 1 5
#83 Elon University 3 3 6
#83 Howard University 1 1 2
#93 University of San Diego 1 1 2
#99 University of Oregon 1 1 2
#103 Loyola University Chicago 1 1
#103 Drexel University 1 1
#103 University of South Florida 2 2
#103 University of Illinois at Chicago 1 1
#103 University of San Francisco 1 1 1 3
#103 Temple University 2 2 4
#104 University of Colorado Boulder 1 1 2
#117 Arizona State University 1 1 1 3
#117 Rochester Institute of Technology 3 2 5
#122 Illinois Institute of Technology 1 1 2
#122 Chapman University 2 2 4
#136 Catholic University of America 1 1 1 3
#136 Simmons University 1 1
#148 Duquesne University 1 1
#148 University of Alabama 3 3 6
College of William and Mary 4 4 1 + 9
Penn State University Park 1 1 1 1 + 4
Rutgers University 2 1 3
Ranking University/College 2021-2023 2021-2022 2020-2021 2020 2019 Total
All schools 22 19 0 4 8
#2 Amherst College 1 1
#5 Wellesley College 3 3 6
#9 Middlebury College 2 2 1 5
#13 Grinnell College 1 1 2
#13 Davidson College 1 1 + 2
#17 Wesleyan University 1 1
#17 Barnard College 3 3 6
#17 Colgate University 1 1
#22 University of Richmond 2 1 1 4
#27 Macalester College 1 1 1 3
#28 Harvey Mudd College 1 1 2
#30 Mount Holyoke College 2 2 1 5
#35 College of the Holy Cross 1 1 2
#42 Denison University 1 1 2
#42 Occidental College 1 1 2
#46 Trinity College 1 1 1 3
#50 The University of the South 1 1
#54 Gettysburg College 1 1
Oberlin College 1 1 2
Franklin & Marshall College 1 1 2

AP Scores

Number of students took AP test
Number of tests taken
Score 5
Score 4
Score 3
Other scores



Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Chinese Language and Culture
English Language and Composition
Calculus AB
Calculus BC
Chinese Language and Culture
English Language and Composition
English Literature and Composition
Environmental Science
European History
French Language and Culture
Music Theory
Spanish Language and Culture
Spanish Literature and Culture
Studio Art: 2-D Design
Studio Art: Drawing
United States Government and Politics
United States History
Physics 1
Physics C: Mechanics
Computer Science Principles
Human Geography
Computer Science A
World History
View all


IB English
IB French ab Initio
IB Business and Management
IB History
IB Chemistry
IB Environmental Systems and Societies
IB English
IB French ab Initio
IB Business and Management
IB History
IB Chemistry
IB Environmental Systems and Societies
IB Sports, Exercise and Health Science
IB Analysis and Approaches
IB Applications and Interpretations
IB Visual Arts
IB Theory of Knowledge
IB English A: Language and Literature
IB Spanish B
View all


Cross Country
American Football
Cross Country
American Football
Track and Field
View all

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

Best Buddies
Breakthrough Miami Club
Center for Writing
Environmental Action Club (EAC)
Falcons for a Cure
Best Buddies
Breakthrough Miami Club
Center for Writing
Environmental Action Club (EAC)
Falcons for a Cure
Hope for Tomorrow
PTS Cares Service Club
Palace Buddies
Second Chance Animal Rescue
Social Justice Club
Book Club
Bowling Club
BSU Black Student Union
Chess Club*
Ceramics Club
Creative Writing Club
Exec SGA (by-election)
Falcon Fury Spirit Club (by application)
Future Doctors of America
Gaming Club
Fashion Club
Florida Immigartion Club (FLIC)
IB Club
Investment and Entrepreneurship Club
Interfaith Forum
Model United Nations (by application)
Out of the Darkness
Peer Counseling (by application)
Prelaw club
Pride Coalition
Round Square
Solar Car Club
Social Entrepreneurship
STEEEM Engineering Club
Student Diversity Council (by application)
Student Government (SGA)
Students Demand Action
SWENext Society of Women Engineers Club
Thespians (by audition or interview)
Women on Wallstreet
Chinese National Honor Society
International Thespian Society
La Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Mu Alpha Theta
National Honor Society
National Junior Honor Society
Quill & Scroll Honor Society
Science Honor Societies
Societe Honoraire de Francais
Tri M Music Honor Society
View all


Music Theory
Music Theory
Wind Symphony
2D Design
3D Design
Art History
Digital Art
Studio Art
Mixed Media
View all

School Link

Basic Info

Day S. Grades: 6-12
IB: No
ESL: Yes
Year Founded: 1972
Campus Size: 57 acres
Religious Affiliation: Giáo hội Anh

Application Info

Deadline: 08/15
Interview: Skype, On Campus, International Admission Visits, Zoom

Frequently Ask Questions about Palmer Trinity School

Tell me a bit about Palmer Trinity School.
Palmer Trinity School is Co-ed private day school located in Florida, US. It was founded 1972 , and currently has about 800 students, 4.00% of whom are international students.

For more official information, please visit https://www.palmertrinity.org.
Does Palmer Trinity School have rigorous academic requirements?
Palmer Trinity School is offering 26 AP courses.

Palmer Trinity School also have 81% of faculties whose degrees are master and above.
Where do Palmer Trinity School students typically go for their colleges?
Based on the most recent matriculation data, 19.35% go to top 50 US universities and colleges*, 19.05% go to top 25, and about 3.27% go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and MIT.

*Ranking is based on the 2024 US News College Ranking.
What is the application requirement for Palmer Trinity School?
Similar to most private schools in the US, Palmer Trinity School’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for Palmer Trinity School’s Co-ed student?
The total fee for Palmer Trinity School in 2024 is $48,000 which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.
Where is Palmer Trinity School located?
Palmer Trinity School is located in the State of Florida of USA. The closest major city is Miami, which is about 15 miles away from school. Most families can choose Miami International Airport to travel in and out of school.
How popular is Palmer Trinity School on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, Palmer Trinity School is within top 600 for all schools on FindingSchool.

Also Palmer Trinity School has been favorited by 18 users.
How to start with an application with Palmer Trinity School?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about Palmer Trinity School. Most of them are directly provided by the school.

Also it is highly recommended to visit Palmer Trinity School’s official site: https://www.palmertrinity.org or call them at 305-251-2230.
Please share a few nearby schools that are close to Palmer Trinity School?
Yes, here are few: Palmetto Bay Academy, Riviera Schools and Westminster Christian School.

The closest major city is Miami. You can find out more schools near Miami here.
What is the FindingSchool rating for Palmer Trinity School?
The overall rating for Palmer Trinity School is A.

The section ratings of Palmer Trinity School are:
A for Matriculation
A for Academics
A- for Extracurriculum
B+ for Community
B+ for Students and Parents reviews

Nearby City

Miami, officially the City of Miami, is a dynamic coastal metropolis and the seat of Miami-Dade County in South Florida. Often called "The 305," "The Magic City," and the "Gateway to the Americas," it serves as a major cultural and economic center. With a population of 442,241 as of the 2020 census, it is the second-most populous city in Florida. Known for its stunning beaches, vibrant arts scene, and diverse cultural influences, Miami draws visitors and residents from around the globe, offering a unique blend of cosmopolitan living and tropical charm.

Population (2022) 413,201
Cost of Living Higher than average 21%

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FindingSchool collects its data from a variety of reliable sources, including schools, advisors, official U.S. statistics, and feedback from actual parents and students.