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A 4.9
Offering a large and diverse program in an intimate, small-school setting, Westminster is a community where people know, understand and care about each other. Students balance a rigorous academic schedule which includes college-preparatory, honors and 23 AP courses with broad and deep athletic, artistic and extracurricular programs. In addition to the outstanding involvement to which students eagerly commit themselves, family-style meals, student-led assembly and chapel, and numerous opportunities for leadership and teamwork instill a strong sense of character. Virtute et Numine (By Grit and Grace).
$73,370 Connecticut, US 525 students Co-ed
A 5.0
Westover is a selective boarding school of about 150 girls, grades 9-12, located in a classic New England town near New York City. We prepare our students to meet the challenges of the world and the world's best colleges. We are a vibrant community rich with human interconnectedness, a remarkable faculty committed to amplifying student voice and intellect, and a visible sisterhood rooted in a deep belief in the limitless potential of Westover students. WESTOVER INSTITUTE An Expanding Vision for Westover’s Signature Programs The Westover Institute is a new program that will serve as an incubator for the school’s signature programs, allowing students to apply their learning to explore big questions facing their generation. This program will provide a platform for teachers from inside and outside Westover to lead short courses on topics that range from entrepreneurship and finance to global issues, environmental sustainability, integrity and justice, resiliency, DEIB, leadership, women in science, and more.
$74,000 Connecticut, US 150 students All-girls
A 4.7
Westtown School, a Quaker, private, co-ed Pre-K-12 day school with boarding options in grades 9 -12, offers a challenging curriculum that emphasizes critical thinking, collaboration, and creativity combined with an exceptional level of attention. Westtown School fosters a culture of reflection and self-discovery in which students can ignite the unique spark that illuminates their passion and purpose. Westtown School inspires and prepares graduates to become stewards and leaders of a better world.
$72,990 Pennsylvania, US 686 students Co-ed
A 4.7
Located on 125 acres in Western Massachusetts, Williston has a history dating back to 1841. Williston’s 420 students (72 % boarding and 28% day) come from 28 countries and 25 US states. All Williston students take part in Williston’s Comprehensive Program for Academic and Social Success, known as COMPASS, which unifies our CORE Life and Leadership Program, our Williston Scholars program, our College Advising program, our Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging program, and our Center for Academic Success (Academic Suport). At the core of the Williston experience is our balance of academic excellence and support - students choose from 145 courses, 52 of which are AP or honors level, and they utilize our Writing Center, our Math Center, and our Science Center, as well as more formalized academic support. Additionally, Williston has a long history of athletic excellence – Williston has won 18 NEPSAC championships in the last five years, and over 35% of our graduating seniors have gone on to play at the college level in the last 5 years.
$76,600 Massachusetts, US 420 students Co-ed
A 4.9
Join a community where boys are known, challenged, and loved. Woodberry is a school for boys who want something else, something more than they can get at home. It’s a school for boys who love a challenge and know that a hard thing is always worth doing. On our beautiful campus in the Virginia countryside, boys join an enduring community, develop friendships that last a lifetime, and gain a sense of self-confidence that is balanced by humility. They are mentored by teachers and coaches who devote their lives to the school and the boys who live and learn here. Together students and teachers pursue excellence in all areas of our community's life. Woodberry students graduate as young men who are becoming the very best versions of themselves. They graduate with a sense of honor and moral purpose, thanks to the uncommon experience they’ve had here together. Together Woodberry boys are shaping what it means to be a man in today’s ever-changing world.
$67,650 Virginia, US 395 students All-boys
A 4.5
Woodside Priory is a coeducational, Catholic independent school for students in middle school, grades six through eight and in high school, grade 9 through 12. Situated within ten minutes of Stanford University on the San Francisco peninsula in Portola Valley, the Priory combines its 50-acre (20-hectare) rural campus with a challenging college preparatory curriculum, a 7-to-1 student-faculty ratio, and a full complement of competitive athletics and enriching co-curricular. As both a day and a boarding school, seamless interaction between boarders and day students provides an enthusiastic and spirited campus student life where local students blend with students from countries throughout the world. The Priory embodies the values of Benedictine education - a belief in order and personal responsibility, a respect for diversity, the importance of community life and the development of the whole person.
$89,315 California, US 425 students Co-ed
A 4.7
Shady Side Academy is a nationally respected private school in Pittsburgh for boys and girls in grades PK-12, with an optional five-day boarding experience in high school. Three age-specific campuses with extraordinary resources, teachers who actively mentor, a forward-thinking curriculum, a diverse and inclusive community, and a legacy of alumni accomplishments all inspire Shady Side students to high achievement in academics, the arts and athletics, and to meaningful ambitions in life. At Shady Side, there is a balanced approach to education with a commitment to students’ academic, physical and emotional development.
$66,750 Pennsylvania, US 470 students Co-ed
A 4.8
Buckingham Browne & Nichols, a coeducational day school in Cambridge, Massachusetts, was established in 1974 by the merger of two independent schools, the Buckingham school and the Browne & Nichols school, founded respectively in 1889 and 1883. Located on three separate campuses, we work as one school in the pursuit of excellence. We celebrate the diversity of our community which enriches our daily experience. At BB&N we foster intellectual curiosity, critical thinking and a deep concern and respect for others. Our educational program, coordinated from beginners through grade twelve, provides a rigorous core curriculum, taught in flexible and innovative ways. Students acquire the skills and discipline necessary for academic accomplishment and learn to reflect, take risks and to discover. The curriculum is strengthened by our commitment to a comprehensive program in the arts and athletics. In all of our experiences, both those within the school and those which use our urban location, we encourage self-reliance, knowledge of oneself and a capacity for leadership.
$63,700 Massachusetts, US 1037 students Co-ed
A 4.9
Cape Cod Academy is an independent day school for students in kindergarten through grade 12. Located in Osterville, MA, our college preparatory school sits on a 46-acre campus. CCA strives for academic excellence throughout each student’s personalized educational journey, and consists of three divisions— the Lower School (elementary), which spans Kindergarten to fifth grade, Middle School, covering grades 6-8, and our Upper School (high school) for grades 9 through 12.
$49,100 Massachusetts, US 334 students Co-ed
A 4.6
The mission of Thayer Academy is to inspire a diverse community of students to moral, intellectual, aesthetic, and physical excellence so that each may rise to honorable achievement and contribute to the common good. Thayer Academy provides a rigorous and challenging college preparatory education that attracts students from diverse social, ethnic, economic, and academic backgrounds. The Academy seeks to equip students with the skills, knowledge, and experiences to realize their potential in college and beyond. At Thayer we believe that students will find academic success when given opportunities for individual achievement and self-expression. The Thayer curriculum strives to instill fundamental knowledge and study skills while stimulating intellectual curiosity and growth. Furthermore, the curriculum and Thayer environment combine to encourage students to understand and appreciate different cultures, develop critical thinking skills, enhance creativity, promote physical and emotional well-being, and foster a concern for others.
$59,390 Massachusetts, US 728 students Co-ed
A 5.0
Our mission is accomplished through the cooperative efforts of parents, students, and staff by providing a rigorous curriculum and a positive discipline program that challenges all students to reach their potential. The mission is realized in a community that nourishes the faith life of the parents, students, and staff through prayer, worship, and service to others.
$38,200 California, US 879 students Co-ed
A 5.0
Castilleja School, established in 1907, is dedicated to providing a rigorous college preparatory education for young women in grades six through twelve. Castilleja School educates women by fostering their intellectual, physical, creative, and emotional growth through an exemplary college preparatory experience within a diverse and supportive community. By blending tradition with thoughtful innovation, the curriculum encourages both individual achievement and collaborative learning. Castilleja's comprehensive program promotes the development of character, compassion, curiosity, and the capacity for effective leadership. Castilleja's philosophy is shaped by both tradition and current research that affirm the academic and personal advantages of girls' schools. We demonstrate this conviction in the conscious attention we pay to the needs, issues, pedagogies, and opportunities particular to girls. While our emphasis is on the development of the intellect, Castilleja is committed to the education of the whole person: heart, body, and spirit as well as mind.
$59,600 California, US 424 students All-girls
A 5.0
Chadwick, a K-12 school founded in 1935, is dedicated to academic excellence and to the development of self-confident individuals of exemplary character. Students are prepared through experience and self-discovery to accept the responsibilities inherent in personal freedom and to contribute positively to contemporary society. The Chadwick Community is committed to living in accordance with its core values of respect, responsibility, honesty, fairness and compassion. In all of its programs, Chadwick seeks to discover and nurture the special gifts each student possesses; to deepen each student's understanding of the complexities of the world; and to inspire each to realize his or her full potential.
$49,660 California, US 865 students Co-ed
A 5.0
At Francis Parker School, our mission is to provide a superior college preparatory education in a diverse, family-oriented environment that meets the academic, social, creative, emotional, and physical needs of the individual student. Founded in 1912, and now with 1,200 students, Francis Parker School is San Diego's oldest and largest independent, non-denominational, coeducational day school. Through a system of instruction in the academics, athletics, and arts that is grounded in excellence, Parker students are prepared to succeed at four-year colleges and universities appropriate to their individual goals. This level of educational success is based on a foundation of shared values the importance of family; the uniqueness of each individual child; the ethical treatment of others and the world around us; a shared passion for learning between inspired teachers and motivated students. Our mission is to provide a superior college-preparatory education in a diverse, family-oriented environment that meets the academic, social, creative, emotional and physical needs of the individual student. Francis Parker School is accredited by the California Association of Independent Schools and the Western Association of Schools and Colleges. The School is a member of the National Association of Independent Schools.
$44,540 California, US 1322 students Co-ed
A 4.7
Founded in 1887, Head-Royce is an independent, college-preparatory, coeducational, non-denominational, K-12 school, which offers a challenging educational program. The mission of Head-Royce School is to inspire in our students a lifelong love of learning and exuberance for academic excellence, to promote understanding of and respect for the diversity that makes our society strong, and to encourage constructive and responsible citizenship. The school nurtures the development of the whole child through a program that seeks to develop intellectual abilities such as scholarship and disciplined, critical thinking; to foster in each student integrity, ethical behavior, compassion, and a sense of humor; to promote responsibility and leadership, an appreciation of individual and cultural differences, and a respect for the opinions of others; to nurture aesthetic abilities such as creativity, imagination, musical, and visual talent; and to encourage joyful, healthy living and physical fitness. All members of the Head-Royce community strive to create an educational environment that reflects the school's core values of academic excellence, diversity, and citizenship, one in which each student can thrive. We believe that a program based on these core values will prepare our students to be effective global citizens as they face and embrace the challenges and opportunities of the future.
$54,000 California, US 895 students Co-ed
A 5.0
Lick-Wilmerding is a non-profit, independent, coeducational, college preparatory day school. L-W's central mission is to offer its students a distinctive and exemplary education, the key ingredients of which are: the school's "head, heart, and hands" curriculum, the inclusive nature of its community, and its commitment to society beyond the campus. Each of these elements is grounded in the principles set forth by the school's founders - James Lick, Jellis Wilmerding, and Miranda Lux. From the beginning, Lick-Wilmerding served young people from all segments of society, honored work with the hands as well as the head, and committed to contributing to the common good. Lick-Wilmerding High School inspires students to become self-directed, life-long learners who contribute to our world with knowledge, skill, creativity, compassion, and can-do confidence.
$57,000 California, US 556 students Co-ed
A 5.0
Marlborough School, founded in 1889, is an independent, urban day school serving a diverse group of young women. The School is committed to delivering a superior college preparatory education in an environment imbued with high ethical values. Marlborough is dedicated to the philosophy that academic excellence, leadership skills, and confidence flourish best in an environment exclusively devoted to the education of young women. The Marlborough community enables each student to develop her fullest potential so that she may become an actively engaged global citizen.
$49,950 California, US 536 students All-girls
A 5.0
Mater Dei Catholic High School is a four-year co-educational high school in the Diocese of San Diego. In 2007, thanks in part to a generous grant from the ALSAM Foundation, Mater Dei Catholic subsumed Marian Catholic High School, continuing Marian’s legacy and tradition on a state of the art, 50-acre custom built facility in the Otay Ranch area of Chula Vista, just four miles north of the U.S.–Mexico International Border. Mater Dei Catholic continues to preserve its strong Catholic faith life while providing a cutting-edge 21st century holistic education through an innovative curriculum based on real-world application of knowledge.
$83,600 California, US 1036 students Co-ed
A 3.2
The Quarry Lane School is known for academic excellence. It strives to provide every student with an educational program that establishes high achievement levels. Intellectual curiosity, creativity and physical well-being are emphasized along with developing character and leadership skills. Quarry Lane School offers three distinct Academic Tracks: College Prep., International Baccalaureate High School Diploma Programme and the Science, Engineering and Technology Track
$52,804 California, US 950 students Co-ed
A 5.0
We inspire our students a love of knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge creatively, compassionately and courageously throughout their lives.
$53,770 California, US 570 students Co-ed
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