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School Overview

Data & methodology
Matriculation A
Academics A-
Extracurriculars B-
Community A+
Reviews C
UNIS is chartered by the New York State Board of Regents for the purpose of establishing, maintaining and operating a United Nations International School, including a kindergarten, elementary school, and secondary school which will fit the specific needs of children of the different nationalities comprising the United Nations. UNIS is accredited by the European Council of International Schools. The secondary program culminates in the International Baccalaureate, and the school's internationally recognized academic standards enable its students to transfer to international and national schools and to be eligible for admission to universities in the U.S. and other countries.
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United Nations International School With Reviews, Requirements 2025 | FindingSchool
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School Stats

Current School
International Students
Faculty with Advanced Degrees
Teacher-Student Ratio
$0.05 millions
Average SAT Score
Average ACT Score
Class Size



Ranking University/College Students
#1 Princeton University 5
#3 Harvard College 1
#3 Stanford University 1
#3 Yale University 3
#6 University of Chicago 4
#7 Johns Hopkins University 1
#7 University of Pennsylvania 1
#10 Duke University 1
LAC #2 Amherst College 2
#13 Brown University 3
#15 Rice University 1
#15 Washington University in St. Louis 7
#17 Cornell University 11
#18 Columbia University 1
#20 University of California: Berkeley 2
#20 University of California: Los Angeles 4
LAC #4 Swarthmore College 2
#22 Emory University 5
#22 Georgetown University 1
#25 New York University 13
#25 University of Michigan 4
#25 University of Southern California 2
#29 Wake Forest University 2
LAC #6 Bowdoin College 1
LAC #6 Carleton College 1
#32 Tufts University 6
#32 University of California: Santa Barbara 1
#34 University of California: Irvine 2
#34 University of California: San Diego 4
#36 Boston College 5
#36 University of Rochester 3
#38 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2
#41 Boston University 6
#44 Brandeis University 2
#44 Case Western Reserve University 2
#44 Georgia Institute of Technology 2
#44 Northeastern University 22
#44 Tulane University 3
LAC #9 Claremont McKenna College 1
#51 Lehigh University 2
#51 Purdue University 2
#51 Villanova University 2
#55 Santa Clara University 1
#55 University of Miami 2
#55 University of Washington 2
LAC #11 Middlebury College 1
#62 George Washington University 1
#62 Syracuse University 1
#62 University of Pittsburgh 1
#62 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2
LAC #13 Vassar College 6
#67 University of Massachusetts Amherst 1
#67 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1
#72 American University 2
#72 Fordham University 7
#72 Indiana University Bloomington 1
#72 Reed College 1
#72 Sarah Lawrence College 2
LAC #15 Hamilton College 2
SUNY University at Stony Brook 5
#83 Stevens Institute of Technology 2
#89 Elon University 2
#89 Howard University 6
SUNY University at Buffalo 1
LAC #18 Barnard College 3
LAC #18 Colgate University 1
LAC #18 Haverford College 2
LAC #18 University of Richmond 2
LAC #18 Wesleyan University 4
#97 Clark University 1
#105 Drexel University 1
#105 Rochester Institute of Technology 2
Arizona State University 1
#121 Chapman University 1
#121 Temple University 3
#121 University of Vermont 1
LAC #25 Bates College 1
LAC #27 Colorado College 1
LAC #27 Macalester College 1
#137 DePaul University 2
LAC #29 Harvey Mudd College 1
#151 San Diego State University 2
#151 University of La Verne 1
LAC #31 Kenyon College 1
LAC #33 Pitzer College 1
LAC #33 Scripps College 2
#166 Hofstra University 3
LAC #36 Mount Holyoke College 1
#182 Adelphi University 1
LAC #39 Skidmore College 5
LAC #39 Trinity College 1
#219 Hampton University 1
#219 Sacred Heart University 1
#234 Pace University 2
#234 Suffolk University 1
#234 University of Massachusetts Boston 1
LAC #51 Dickinson College 3
LAC #55 Connecticut College 2
LAC #60 Bard College 5
LAC #61 Gettysburg College 1
Aalto University 1
Albany College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences 2
American University of Paris 2
Amsterdam University College 1
Babson College 5
Bentley University 1
Berklee College of Music 1
Bridgewater State University 1
Bryant University 1
Canisius University 1
City University of New York: Baruch College 2
City University of New York: Hunter College 3
City University of New York: John Jay College of Criminal Justice 1
City University of New York: Queens College 1
College of William and Mary 2
Concordia University 9
Culinary Institute of America 1
Emerson College 3
ESCP Europe Business School London 1
Fashion Institute of Technology 2
Franklin & Marshall College 2
Freie Universität Berlin Studienkolleg 1
Heidelberg University 1
Hotelschool The Hague 1
Imperial College London 1
Institut Français de la Mode 1
Ithaca College 3
King's College London 4
Kings College Pennsylvania 1
Kyoto University of Advanced Science 1
London School of Economics and Political Science 2
Loyola University Maryland 1
Lynn University 2
Manchester Metropolitan University 1
Manhattan College 2
Marist College 2
McGill University 13
McMaster University 1
Newcastle University 1
Norwegian School of Economics 1
Oberlin College 2
Penn State University Park 4
Rhode Island School of Design 1
Royal Holloway, University of London (RHUL) 5
Rutgers University 2
Saint Camillus International 1
School of the Art Institute of Chicago 2
St. Francis College 1
St. John's University 1
State University of New YorkAlbany 3
SUNY College at Oswego 1
The New School College of Performing Arts 6
Università Bocconi 1
University College London 2
University of Bath 1
University of British Columbia 1
University of Colorado Boulder 2
University of Dundee 1
University of Edinburgh 3
University of Exeter 4
University of Glasgow 1
University of Guelph 1
University of Health Medical Sciences 1
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1
University of Manchester 1
University of Sheffield 1
University of St. Andrews 3
University of Sussex 1
University of Toronto 11
University of Twente 2
University of Warwick 2
Uppsala Universitet 1
Wageningen University Research 1
Wagner College 1
View all
Ranking University/College 2020-2023 2018-2022 2017-2021 2020 2019 Total
All schools 203 236 232 47 51
#1 Princeton University 5 4 2 1 12
#3 Stanford University 1 1 1 1 4
#3 Yale University 3 3 1 7
#3 Harvard College 1 1 2
#6 University of Chicago 4 5 5 1 15
#7 Johns Hopkins University 1 1 3 5
#7 University of Pennsylvania 1 2 2 5
#10 Duke University 1 3 4 3 11
#10 Northwestern University 2 2 1 5
#13 Brown University 3 2 2 1 8
#15 Washington University in St. Louis 7 6 7 1 1 22
#15 Rice University 1 1 2 4
#17 Cornell University 11 13 14 1 3 42
#18 Columbia University 1 2 2 1 6
#20 University of California: Berkeley 2 5 8 1 2 18
#20 University of California: Los Angeles 4 6 1 1 12
#22 Emory University 5 1 4 3 13
#22 Carnegie Mellon University 3 4 1 8
#22 Georgetown University 1 1
#25 New York University 13 18 22 4 6 63
#25 University of Michigan 4 2 3 1 10
#25 University of Southern California 2 1 3
#29 Wake Forest University 2 2 1 1 6
#32 Tufts University 6 7 4 1 2 20
#32 University of California: Santa Barbara 1 1 1 1 4
#34 University of California: San Diego 4 4 5 13
#34 University of California: Irvine 2 2 1 5
#36 University of Rochester 3 1 1 5
#36 Boston College 5 3 2 10
#38 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2 2 2 1 7
#38 University of California: Davis 1 1 2
#41 Boston University 6 3 4 1 14
#44 Tulane University 3 4 2 1 1 11
#44 Northeastern University 22 23 21 5 5 76
#44 Brandeis University 2 3 4 1 10
#44 Case Western Reserve University 2 3 3 1 1 10
#44 Georgia Institute of Technology 2 2 2 6
#51 Lehigh University 2 3 2 7
#51 Villanova University 2 3 3 1 1 10
#51 Purdue University 2 2 4
#55 Santa Clara University 1 1 2
#55 University of Miami 2 7 10 1 2 22
#55 University of Washington 2 2 1 1 6
#62 George Washington University 1 11 11 1 6 30
#62 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University 2 2 4
#62 University of Pittsburgh 1 1 2
#62 Syracuse University 1 2 1 1 5
#67 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 1 1 1 1 4
#67 University of Massachusetts Amherst 1 1
#72 American University 2 1 1 1 5
#72 Fordham University 7 9 14 3 33
#72 Indiana University Bloomington 1 1 1 3
#77 SUNY University at Stony Brook 5 7 4 2 18
#77 Loyola Marymount University 1 1 2
#83 SUNY University at Binghamton 2 2 2 6
#83 Stevens Institute of Technology 2 4 2 8
#89 Howard University 6 5 4 2 17
#89 Elon University 2 2 1 1 6
#89 SUNY University at Buffalo 1 1 1 1 4
#97 Clark University 1 1 2 1 5
#105 University of San Francisco 3 3 3 9
#105 Rochester Institute of Technology 2 3 2 1 8
#105 Drexel University 1 1 1 1 4
#121 Chapman University 1 1 1 1 4
#121 University of Vermont 1 1
#121 Temple University 3 2 2 1 8
#121 Arizona State University 1 1
#122 Illinois Institute of Technology 1 1
#137 DePaul University 2 1 1 4
#151 San Diego State University 2 2 1 1 6
#151 University of La Verne 1 1 2
#182 SUNY University at Albany 1 1 2
University of Maryland: College Park 3 3 1 7
University of California: Santa Cruz 1 1 1 3
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 1 1 1 3
College of William and Mary 2 1 1 4
Penn State University Park 4 3 4 3 14
Rutgers University 2 1 1 4
University of Colorado Boulder 2 2 1 5
Ranking University/College 2020-2023 2018-2022 2017-2021 2020 2019 Total
All schools 58 89 105 28 16
#1 Williams College 1 1 1 3
#2 Amherst College 2 3 4 2 11
#4 Pomona College 1 1
#4 Swarthmore College 2 4 5 11
#5 Wellesley College 1 1
#6 Bowdoin College 1 1 1 3
#6 Carleton College 1 1 2
#9 Claremont McKenna College 1 1
#11 Middlebury College 1 1
#13 Smith College 3 3 6
#13 Vassar College 6 7 7 1 1 22
#15 Hamilton College 2 3 2 7
#18 Colgate University 1 1 2 1 5
#18 Barnard College 3 7 9 2 21
#18 Wesleyan University 4 6 10 12 32
#18 Haverford College 2 3 3 8
#18 University of Richmond 2 2 1 5
#24 Colby College 1 1 2
#25 Bates College 1 2 2 5
#27 Macalester College 1 2 2 1 1 7
#27 Colorado College 1 2 2 1 6
#29 Harvey Mudd College 1 1 2 4
#30 Bryn Mawr College 2 1 3
#31 Kenyon College 1 1 2 2 6
#33 Pitzer College 1 1 2 4
#33 Scripps College 2 2 2 1 7
#36 Mount Holyoke College 1 1 1 3
#37 Occidental College 4 6 2 12
#38 Bucknell University 1 1
#39 Lafayette College 2 2 1 5
#39 Trinity College 1 1 2
#39 Skidmore College 5 10 9 2 3 29
#51 Dickinson College 3 3 2 1 9
#55 Connecticut College 2 1 1 4
#60 Bard College 5 8 8 1 2 24
#61 Gettysburg College 1 1 1 1 4
Franklin & Marshall College 2 2
Union College 2 2 1 5
Oberlin College 2 3 4 2 1 12



IB Chinese A: Language and Literature
IB English A: Language and Literature
IB English A: Literature
IB French A: Language and Literature
IB Spanish A: Language and Literature
IB Chinese B
IB Chinese A: Language and Literature
IB English A: Language and Literature
IB English A: Literature
IB French A: Language and Literature
IB Spanish A: Language and Literature
IB Chinese B
IB French B
IB German
IB Italian
IB Spanish B
IB Economics
IB Global Politics
IB History
IB History of Europe
IB History of the Americas
IB Philosophy
IB Social and Cultural Anthropology
IB Biology
IB Chemistry
IB Environmental Systems and Societies
IB Physics
IB Analysis and Approaches
IB Applications and Interpretations
IB Film
IB Music
IB Theatre
IB Visual Arts
View all


Cross Country
Table Tennis
Cross Country
Table Tennis
Track and Field
View all

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

A better education
Adopt a band
All india women's and children's organization
Asian culture club
Chess club
Creative writing club
A better education
Adopt a band
All india women's and children's organization
Asian culture club
Chess club
Creative writing club
Debate society
Environmental club
Ghana microfinance club
Girl power
Girls in Tech
He for she
History club
Italian culture club
Japanese club
Junior United Nations of calligraphy
Kids for Uganda
Language exchange club
Law club
Math club
Model UN
Neel Bagh
Nepal club
New music club
Outdoor adventures
Oxfam UNIS division
People for ALS
Philosophy club
Photography club
Physics club
Prevention and awareness of cancer
Project Rousseau
Reaching education and caring about native Americans
Refugee crisis club
Rubik's cube
Science club
Sexuality and gender awareness
Shining hope for communities
Student council
Teen tech NY
UNIS human rights club
UNIS kids in need
UNIS Korean club
Youth for Literacy
View all


Music Theory

Basic Info

Day S. Grades: K- 12
IB: No
ESL: Yes
Year Founded: 1947
Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Application Info

Deadline: Rolling
Interview: Skype, On Campus
The Knox School United States Flag

Frequently Ask Questions about United Nations International School

Tell me a bit about United Nations International School.
United Nations International School is Co-ed private day school located in New York, US. It was founded 1947 , and currently has about 1437 students, 92.00% of whom are international students.

For more official information, please visit http://www.unis.org.
Does United Nations International School have rigorous academic requirements?
United Nations International School also have 82% of faculties whose degrees are master and above.
Where do United Nations International School students typically go for their colleges?
Based on the most recent matriculation data, 12.7% go to top 50 US universities and colleges*, 12.7% go to top 25, and about 4.88% go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and MIT.

*Ranking is based on the 2024 US News College Ranking.
What is the application requirement for United Nations International School?
Similar to most private schools in the US, United Nations International School’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for United Nations International School’s Co-ed student?
The total fee for United Nations International School in 2024 is $49,206 which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.

For more information, please contact school’s admission team at admissions@unis.org .
Where is United Nations International School located?
United Nations International School is located in the State of New York of USA.
How popular is United Nations International School on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, United Nations International School is within top 700 for all schools on FindingSchool.

Also United Nations International School has been favorited by 11 users.
How to start with an application with United Nations International School?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about United Nations International School. Most of them are directly provided by the school.

Also it is highly recommended to visit United Nations International School’s official site: http://www.unis.org or call them at 212-684-7400.
Please share a few nearby schools that are close to United Nations International School?
What is the FindingSchool rating for United Nations International School?
The overall rating for United Nations International School is B+.

The section ratings of United Nations International School are:
A for Matriculation
A- for Academics
B- for Extracurriculum
A+ for Community
C for Students and Parents reviews

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