The Vanguard School provides comprehensive special education services with a unique focus on the individual child and his or her readiness for life. The Vanguard School has been an innovator in offering an integrated academic, social and life skills approach within a supportive environment where the ultimate goal is to have each student become an independent, functional, and happy member of society. Vanguard’s innovative K-12 and post-secondary education is a hallmark of the school’s “Learning-for-Life” philosophy, and has resulted in measurable success for graduates.
หากคุณต้องการเพิ่ม The Vanguard School-PA ในรายการโปรด เปรียบเทียบกับโรงเรียนอื่น หรือแชร์กับเพื่อน ๆ โปรดใช้ทางลัดด้านล่างนี้