Orlando Christian Prep (OCP) is an extension of the work of Orlando Baptist Church. In 1960 the school began its first term with kindergarten. Through the years the school experienced transitional stages, which included adding preschool, elementary and secondary then downsizing to preschool through sixth grade. Our mission is to instill in our students a biblical world-view while encouraging them to attain their highest level of academic achievement. The OCP learning environment is designed to be challenging, imaginative and disciplined for the student, resulting in the development of creativity and problem solving abilities based upon a biblical philosophy. Students are challenged academically to the highest levels of their God-given abilities while becoming the persons of high moral and ethical character that God desires. Because education is a parental responsibility, OCP functions as an extension of the home to aid parents in educating their children. OCP is committed to developing and maintaining a close working relationship with parents and welcomes their interest and involvement in the school.
หากคุณต้องการเพิ่ม Orlando Christian Prep ในรายการโปรด เปรียบเทียบกับโรงเรียนอื่น หรือแชร์กับเพื่อน ๆ โปรดใช้ทางลัดด้านล่างนี้