"Holy Child Academy is a private, independent, co-educational Catholic day school offering a High School preparatory curriculum for students from Nursery through grade 8. The school is a part of an international network of Holy Child schools known the world over for bringing a nurturing, visionary approach to education.
At every grade level, Holy Child strives to be a place where a young person's best qualities can flourish. Academic excellence is a priority, and students pursue their scholastic careers with enthusiasm and a strong sense of purpose.
At the same time, Holy Child emphasizes the development of the ""whole child"" with a curriculum that includes athletics, fine and performing arts, extra-curricular activities, and service to the community.
Mindful of its Christian heritage, Holy Child also stresses enduring spiritual values that help students maintain a strong moral awareness in a challenging world.
A warm bond of closeness unites faculty, students, parents and alumni; a spirit of commitment sets Holy Child apart as an extraordinary place to learn."
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