We sincerely believe it is our responsibility to guide our students to become productive citizens of society at large and to make valuable contributions within the Armenian Community. We encourage our students to prepare for challenging futures by offering them quality education in a nurturing environment in which we recognize their individual styles and support their unique talents. We believe the success of these endeavors depends upon a mutually supportive school-student-parent triangle that works together cooperatively, with understanding, hope, and determination. Chamlian Armenian School strives for academic excellence, and continues to regularly update its curriculum and its resources.
หากคุณต้องการเพิ่ม Chamlian Armenian School ในรายการโปรด เปรียบเทียบกับโรงเรียนอื่น หรือแชร์กับเพื่อน ๆ โปรดใช้ทางลัดด้านล่างนี้