Pincushion Hill Montessori School is a private school located in beautiful Ashland, Massachusetts. Montessori teaches students to think, not simply to memorize, feedback, and forget. The basis of our approach is the simple observation that children learn most effectively through direct experience and the process of investigation and discovery. No two students learn at the same pace, nor do they necessarily learn best from the same methods. Our goal is to be flexible and creative in addressing each student as a unique individual. The Pincushion Hill Montessori School is designed to be a school where children can blossom! We seek to inspire a passion for excellence and to nurture curiosity, creativity and imagination. Our goal is to give students a fine education and to prepare them for life. Our students develop into people who are fascinated by the universe, and feel compelled to understand something of life's secrets. They come to see that we all belong to the Earth and to the human family. Our students are prepared to succeed in high school, college and beyond. They are prepared to live lives filled with quiet dignity and compassion for others. This begins with the habit of community service instilled during their years in Montessori. Our students are building a legacy of kindness and wonderful contributions to the world.
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Does Pincushion Hill Montessori School have rigorous academic requirements?
We are collecting academic data from Pincushion Hill Montessori School, but don't have the data yet. Please check back later.
Where do Pincushion Hill Montessori School students typically go for their colleges?
We don't have matriculation data of Pincushion Hill Montessori School yet, please check back later.
What is the application requirement for Pincushion Hill Montessori School?
Similar to most private schools in the US, Pincushion Hill Montessori School’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for Pincushion Hill Montessori School’s Co-ed student?
The total fee for Pincushion Hill Montessori School in 2024 is
which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.
Where is Pincushion Hill Montessori School located?
Pincushion Hill Montessori School is located in the State of Massachusetts of USA. The closest major city is Boston, which is about 20 miles away from school. Most families can choose Logan International Airport to travel in and out of school.
How popular is Pincushion Hill Montessori School on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, Pincushion Hill Montessori School is within top 30000 for all schools on FindingSchool.
How to start with an application with Pincushion Hill Montessori School?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about Pincushion Hill Montessori School. Most of them are directly provided by the school.
Boston, the capital and largest city of Massachusetts, is the cultural and financial heart of New England. With a rich history dating back to the American Revolution, it is home to iconic landmarks such as the Freedom Trail, the Boston Common, and the Massachusetts State House. The city boasts prestigious universities like Harvard and MIT and is known for its vibrant arts scene, diverse neighborhoods, and thriving economy. Boston's blend of historical significance and modern innovation makes it one of the most influential cities in the U.S.
FindingSchool collects its data from a variety of reliable sources, including schools, advisors, official U.S. statistics, and feedback from actual parents and students.
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