순위 | 대학 | 인원수 |
#6 | Stanford University | 1 + |
#6 | University of Chicago | 1 + |
LAC #2 | Amherst College | 1 + |
#13 | Dartmouth College | 1 + |
#14 | Brown University | 1 + |
#14 | Washington University in St. Louis | 1 + |
#17 | Cornell University | 1 + |
#20 | University of California: Los Angeles | 1 + |
#23 | University of Michigan | 1 + |
Art History 예술사
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Calculus BC 미적분학 BC
Computer Science A 컴퓨터 과학 A
Environmental Science 환경 과학
European History 유럽 사학
Art History 예술사
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Calculus BC 미적분학 BC
Computer Science A 컴퓨터 과학 A
Environmental Science 환경 과학
European History 유럽 사학
French Language and Culture 프랑스어와 문화
Latin 라틴어
Macroeconomics 거시경제학
Microeconomics 미시경제학
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 물리학 C: 전기와 자기학
Physics C: Mechanics 물리학 C: 기계학
Psychology 심리학
Spanish Language and Culture 스페인어와 문화
Statistics 통계학
Studio Art: 2-D Design 스튜디오 아트: 2D 디자인
Studio Art: 3-D Design 스튜디오 아트: 3D 디자인
Studio Art: Drawing 스튜디오 아트: 드로잉
Biology 생물학
Chemistry 화학
Chinese Language and Culture 중국어와 문화
Basketball 농구
Cheerleading 치어리딩
Cycling 자전거
Dance 댄스
Diving 다이빙
Field Hockey 필드 하키
Basketball 농구
Cheerleading 치어리딩
Cycling 자전거
Dance 댄스
Diving 다이빙
Field Hockey 필드 하키
Golf 골프
Ice Hockey 아이스 하키
Lacrosse 라크로스
Soccer 축구
Squash 스쿼시
Swimming 수영과 다이빙
Volleyball 배구
Water Polo 수구
Wrestling 레슬링
African American Mentoring Program (AAMP)
African Cultural Exploration Club
Alumni & Development
American Sign Language
Amnesty International
Anatomy Club
Asian Student Association
African American Mentoring Program (AAMP)
African Cultural Exploration Club
Alumni & Development
American Sign Language
Amnesty International
Anatomy Club
Asian Student Association
Astronomy Club
Battle of the Burets (Team)
Barker Ball
Best Buddies
Biology Olympiad Club
BJC Hospice
Black Student Union (BSU)
Book Club
Business Administration Club
Campus Democrats
Club for Animal Rights & Education (CARE)
Chemistry Club
Chess Club
Children’s Activities Program
Classics Club
Coding Club
Domestic Violence Awareness Club (DVA)
Doorstep Donations
Dungeons and Dragons Club
Entrepreneurship-Launch Club
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Finding the Art in Science
French Club
Friends of Beasley Initiative (FBI)
The Gatesworth Project
Gender & Sexuality Acceptance (GSA)
Graphic Design Club
Greenleaves Literary Magazine
Guitar Club
HOSA – Future Health Professionals
International Council
Jewish Student Union
Learn to Be
The Literacy Initiative
Manos Unidas (Spanish Club).Math Team
MICDS Investment Group
MIST (Mental Illness Support for Teenagers)
Mock Trial (Team)
Model United Nations (Model UN)
Muslim Student
Association (MSA)
Period @ MICDS
Programming Club
Prom Committee
Ram Report
Rams Army
Rec Sports Club
Red Cross Club
Robotics Club
Science Olympiad
Screenwriters Club
Seldom Scene
Senior Resident Connection
Speech & Debate Team
Sports Analytics Club
STEM Council
Super Seeds!
Sustainable Futures
TEAMS (Tests of Engineering Aptitude
and Science)
The Voice – the MICDS Student Newspaper
Thespian Society
Upper School Bridge Mentors
Women in STEM
Yearbook – The Phoenix
Young Entrepreneurs
Young Republicans
Acting 연기
Band 밴드
Choir 합창
Music Theory 음악 이론
Art History 예술사
Ceramics 도예
Acting 연기
Band 밴드
Choir 합창
Music Theory 음악 이론
Art History 예술사
Ceramics 도예
Drawing 그림
Painting 그림
Photography 사진술
Sculpture 조각
Architecture 건축학
Design 디자인
Digital Design 디지털 디자인