순위 | 대학 | 인원수 |
#7 | University of Pennsylvania | 1 |
#10 | Northwestern University | 1 |
#15 | Rice University | 1 |
#15 | Washington University in St. Louis | 1 |
#20 | University of California: Los Angeles | 1 |
#29 | Wake Forest University | 1 |
#41 | Boston University | 2 |
#44 | Northeastern University | 1 |
#55 | University of Miami | 1 |
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Chemistry 화학
English Language and Composition 영어와 작문
English Literature and Composition 영어문학과 작문
European History 유럽 사학
Psychology 심리학
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Chemistry 화학
English Language and Composition 영어와 작문
English Literature and Composition 영어문학과 작문
European History 유럽 사학
Psychology 심리학
United States History 미국역사학
Physics 1 물리학1
Calculus BC 미적분학 BC
Statistics 통계학
Computer Science Principles 컴퓨터 과학 원리
Art History 예술사
Music Theory 음악 이론학
Baseball 야구
Basketball 농구
Cheerleading 치어리딩
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
Field Hockey 필드 하키
American Football 미식축구
Baseball 야구
Basketball 농구
Cheerleading 치어리딩
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
Field Hockey 필드 하키
American Football 미식축구
Golf 골프
Lacrosse 라크로스
Running 달리기
Soccer 축구
Softball 소프트볼
Swimming 수영과 다이빙
Volleyball 배구
Wrestling 레슬링
Actor’s Guild
Art Club
Asian Culture’s Club
Baking Club
Coding Club
Actor’s Guild
Art Club
Asian Culture’s Club
Baking Club
Coding Club
Pilarz Scholars
Costume and Make-Up Crew
Creative Writing – The Emerald Literary Magazine
Dance Team
Debate Team
Environmental Club
Ethics Bowl
Field Band
French Club
Green & White Society
Investment Club
Italian Conversation & Cultures Club
Jazz Band
Junior Classical League
Kids for Wish Club
Knitting and Crochet Club
The Lemon Club
LepreCon Club
Link Crew
Liturgical Choir and Musicians
Liturgical Assistants
Media and Technology Crew
Model UN
Pro-Life Club
Reaching Everyone By Exposing Lies (REBEL)
Rock Band
S.A.D.D. – Students Against Destructive Decisions
Shakespeare Troupe
Sketch Club
Student Government
Surf Club
Swing Dance Club
T.H.E (Together Honoring Everyone) Council
Chorus 합창
Jazz 재즈
Music Theory 음악 이론
Piano 피아노
Public Speaking 대중 연설
Drawing 그림
Chorus 합창
Jazz 재즈
Music Theory 음악 이론
Piano 피아노
Public Speaking 대중 연설
Drawing 그림
Film 영화
Film Studies 영화 연구
Graphic Design 그래픽 디자인
Photography 사진술
Art 예술