ランク | 大学 | 人数 |
#14 | Brown University | 1 + |
#20 | University of California: Berkeley | 1 + |
#21 | Georgetown University | 1 + |
#23 | Carnegie Mellon University | 1 + |
#23 | University of California: Los Angeles | 1 + |
#27 | Tufts University | 1 + |
#30 | Boston College | 1 + |
#37 | Case Western Reserve University | 1 + |
#39 | University of California: Irvine | 1 + |
#41 | Boston University | 1 + |
#41 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 1 + |
#41 | University of California: Davis | 1 + |
#47 | Northeastern University | 1 + |
#47 | Penn State University Park | 1 + |
#47 | University of Florida | 1 + |
#51 | University of Miami | 1 + |
#52 | University of Washington | 1 + |
#57 | George Washington University | 1 + |
#57 | University of Connecticut | 1 + |
#60 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | 1 + |
#61 | Clemson University | 1 + |
#61 | Syracuse University | 1 + |
#66 | Brigham Young University | 1 + |
#66 | Fordham University | 1 + |
#70 | Texas A&M University | 1 + |
LAC #14 | Wesleyan University | 1 + |
#72 | American University | 1 + |
#72 | Baylor University | 1 + |
#75 | Clark University | 1 + |
#75 | Indiana University Bloomington | 1 + |
#75 | University of Delaware | 1 + |
#75 | University of Massachusetts Amherst | 1 + |
#89 | University of Vermont | 1 + |
#99 | Drexel University | 1 + |
#99 | Loyola University Chicago | 1 + |
LAC #32 | College of the Holy Cross | 1 + |
LAC #32 | University of Richmond | 1 + |
入学学生数 | |||
順位 | 大学 | 2016 | 合計 |
合計 | 34 | ||
#14 | Brown University | 1 + | 1 |
#20 | University of California: Los Angeles | 1 + | 1 |
#22 | University of California: Berkeley | 1 + | 1 |
#23 | Georgetown University | 1 + | 1 |
#25 | Carnegie Mellon University | 1 + | 1 |
#28 | Tufts University | 1 + | 1 |
#28 | University of Florida | 1 + | 1 |
#36 | Boston College | 1 + | 1 |
#36 | University of California: Irvine | 1 + | 1 |
#38 | University of California: Davis | 1 + | 1 |
#42 | Case Western Reserve University | 1 + | 1 |
#42 | Boston University | 1 + | 1 |
#47 | Penn State University Park | 1 + | 1 |
#49 | Northeastern University | 1 + | 1 |
#55 | University of Miami | 1 + | 1 |
#55 | Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute | 1 + | 1 |
#59 | University of Washington | 1 + | 1 |
#59 | Syracuse University | 1 + | 1 |
#63 | Worcester Polytechnic Institute | 1 + | 1 |
#63 | University of Connecticut | 1 + | 1 |
#63 | George Washington University | 1 + | 1 |
#68 | Fordham University | 1 + | 1 |
#68 | Texas A&M University | 1 + | 1 |
#68 | Indiana University Bloomington | 1 + | 1 |
#68 | University of Massachusetts Amherst | 1 + | 1 |
#75 | Baylor University | 1 + | 1 |
#75 | Clemson University | 1 + | 1 |
#79 | American University | 1 + | 1 |
#79 | Brigham Young University | 1 + | 1 |
#93 | University of Delaware | 1 + | 1 |
#103 | Drexel University | 1 + | 1 |
#103 | Clark University | 1 + | 1 |
#103 | Loyola University Chicago | 1 + | 1 |
#117 | University of Vermont | 1 + | 1 |
入学学生数 | |||
順位 | 大学 | 2016 | 合計 |
合計 | 3 | ||
#17 | Wesleyan University | 1 + | 1 |
#22 | University of Richmond | 1 + | 1 |
#35 | College of the Holy Cross | 1 + | 1 |
Art History 芸術史
Biology 生物学
Calculus AB 微積分AB
Chemistry 化学
Chinese Language and Culture 中国語と中国文化
Computer Science A コンピュータサイエンスA
Art History 芸術史
Biology 生物学
Calculus AB 微積分AB
Chemistry 化学
Chinese Language and Culture 中国語と中国文化
Computer Science A コンピュータサイエンスA
English Language and Composition 英語と英作文
English Literature and Composition 英文学と英作文
Environmental Science 環境科学
European History ヨーロッパの歴史
French Language and Culture フランス語とフランス文化
Latin ラテン語
Microeconomics ミクロ経済学
Music Theory 音楽理論
Psychology 心理学
Spanish Language and Culture スペイン語とスペイン文化
Statistics 統計学
United States History アメリカ歴史
Baseball 野球
Basketball バスケットボール
Cheerleading チアリーディング
Cross Country 長距離走
Diving ダイビング
Fencing フェンシング
Baseball 野球
Basketball バスケットボール
Cheerleading チアリーディング
Cross Country 長距離走
Diving ダイビング
Fencing フェンシング
Field Hockey ホッケー
American Football アメリカンフットボール
Golf ゴルフ
Ice Hockey アイスホッケー
Lacrosse ラクロス
Soccer サッカー
Softball ソフトボール
Swimming 水泳
Tennis テニス
Track and Field 陸上競技
Volleyball バレーボール
Wrestling レスリング
Amnesty international
Celtic club
Classic movies club
Color guard
Crew club
Debate club
Amnesty international
Celtic club
Classic movies club
Color guard
Crew club
Debate club
Equestrian club
Fashion club
Fishing club
Gaming club
Ham radio club
Law enforcement club
Musician's club
National honor society
Oceanology club
Outdoor club
Student art association
Ski club
Varsity club
Writer club
Young votor's society
Youth peace