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Jeff Beaton Chief Enrollment Manager

School Overview

Data & methodology
Matriculation A+
Academics A+
Extracurriculars A+
Community A-
Reviews A+
Top US Boarding School 2 Global Exchange Program
Choate Rosemary Hall is a co-educational boarding and day school for students grades 9-PG, located in New England USA. Choate provides intellectually talented students from various backgrounds an experience that enriches their lives and prepares them to contribute to an ever-changing world. We emphasize innovative curriculum, guided independent learning, active campus engagement, and formation of character.
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Choate Rosemary Hall With Reviews, Requirements 2025 | FindingSchool

Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall Choate Rosemary Hall
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School Stats

Current School
International Students
Faculty with Advanced Degrees
Teacher-Student Ratio
$392 millions
Average SAT Score
Average ACT Score
Class Size
Boarding %



Ranking University/College Students
#1 Princeton University 13
#2 Columbia University 40
#2 Harvard College 20
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8
#5 Yale University 41
LAC #1 Williams College 9
#6 Stanford University 14
#6 University of Chicago 46
#8 University of Pennsylvania 25
#9 Duke University 9
#9 Johns Hopkins University 6
#9 Northwestern University 12
LAC #2 Amherst College 14
#13 Dartmouth College 17
#14 Brown University 26
#14 Vanderbilt University 9
#14 Washington University in St. Louis 16
LAC #3 Swarthmore College 6
#17 Cornell University 30
#20 University of California: Los Angeles 5
LAC #4 Pomona College 4
#21 Emory University 10
#22 University of California: Berkeley 13
#23 Georgetown University 31
#23 University of Michigan 12
#25 Carnegie Mellon University 10
#25 University of Virginia 6
LAC #5 Wellesley College 9
#27 University of Southern California 12
#28 New York University 54
#28 Tufts University 14
#28 University of Florida 3
#28 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 3
#28 Wake Forest University 5
LAC #6 Bowdoin College 5
LAC #6 United States Naval Academy 3
#34 University of California: San Diego 4
#36 Boston College 23
#36 University of California: Irvine 3
#38 Georgia Institute of Technology 3
LAC #8 Claremont McKenna College 8
#42 Boston University 18
#42 Case Western Reserve University 4
#42 Tulane University 18
#42 University of Wisconsin-Madison 4
LAC #9 Carleton College 4
LAC #9 Middlebury College 13
#47 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3
#49 Lehigh University 3
#49 Northeastern University 30
#49 Ohio State University: Columbus Campus 3
#49 Purdue University 5
#49 Villanova University 4
#55 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 3
#55 University of Miami 5
LAC #11 United States Military Academy 4
LAC #11 Washington and Lee University 3
#59 Syracuse University 5
#63 George Washington University 9
#63 St. Olaf College 3
#63 University of Connecticut 12
#63 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 3
LAC #13 Davidson College 3
LAC #13 Hamilton College 7
#68 Fordham University 7
#68 Indiana University Bloomington 3
#68 Southern Methodist University 8
#68 St. Lawrence University 5
#72 Hobart and William Smith Colleges 5
#79 American University 3
LAC #16 Haverford College 5
LAC #17 Barnard College 14
LAC #17 Colby College 11
LAC #17 Colgate University 8
LAC #17 Wesleyan University 14
#104 University of Colorado Boulder 5
LAC #22 University of Richmond 4
#117 University of Vermont 9
LAC #25 Bates College 7
LAC #26 Colorado College 12
LAC #28 Harvey Mudd College 4
LAC #30 Scripps College 3
LAC #35 College of the Holy Cross 6
LAC #35 Pitzer College 5
LAC #36 Oberlin College 4
LAC #38 Bucknell University 7
LAC #38 Lafayette College 9
LAC #38 Skidmore College 10
LAC #46 Trinity College 12
LAC #50 Connecticut College 3
LAC #61 Gettysburg College 3
Babson College 9
binghamton university, state university of new york 3
Loyola University Maryland 3
Merrimack College 3
Providence College 3
Rhode Island School of Design 3
View all
Ranking University/College 2019-2023 2018-2022 2021 2016-2020 2015-2019 Total
All schools 707 729 56 708 704
#1 Princeton University 13 14 1 + 13 11 52
#2 Harvard College 20 21 1 + 27 28 97
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 8 6 1 + 6 5 26
#2 Columbia University 40 46 1 + 41 37 165
#5 Yale University 41 49 1 + 53 56 200
#6 University of Chicago 46 47 1 + 39 38 171
#6 Stanford University 14 15 1 + 10 12 52
#8 University of Pennsylvania 25 32 1 + 28 27 113
#9 Northwestern University 12 12 1 + 9 8 42
#9 Johns Hopkins University 6 7 1 + 10 9 33
#9 California Institute of Technology 3 3
#9 Duke University 9 9 14 14 46
#13 Dartmouth College 17 16 1 + 21 19 74
#14 Vanderbilt University 9 6 1 + 5 4 25
#14 Washington University in St. Louis 16 16 1 + 15 16 64
#14 Brown University 26 29 1 + 29 25 110
#17 Cornell University 30 24 1 + 23 29 107
#19 University of Notre Dame 7 7 14
#20 University of California: Los Angeles 5 3 1 + 5 3 17
#21 Emory University 10 9 1 + 7 6 33
#22 University of California: Berkeley 13 9 1 + 7 8 38
#23 University of Michigan 12 11 1 + 16 22 62
#23 Georgetown University 31 30 1 + 26 19 107
#25 University of Virginia 6 9 1 + 5 5 26
#25 Carnegie Mellon University 10 9 1 + 11 15 46
#27 University of Southern California 12 16 1 + 17 20 66
#28 University of California: Santa Barbara 1 + 1
#28 Wake Forest University 5 5 1 + 3 14
#28 University of Florida 3 1 + 4
#28 Tufts University 14 16 1 + 16 18 65
#28 University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 3 3
#28 New York University 54 51 1 + 47 46 199
#34 University of California: San Diego 4 3 1 + 8
#36 Boston College 23 25 1 + 35 40 124
#36 University of California: Irvine 3 3 6
#38 University of California: Davis 1 + 1
#38 Georgia Institute of Technology 3 3 3 6 15
#38 University of Texas at Austin 1 + 1
#42 Case Western Reserve University 4 3 3 3 13
#42 Boston University 18 18 1 + 15 13 65
#42 University of Wisconsin-Madison 4 3 1 + 8
#42 Tulane University 18 15 1 + 13 7 54
#47 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 3 3 1 + 7
#49 Villanova University 4 3 7
#49 Lehigh University 3 1 + 4
#49 Northeastern University 30 28 1 + 20 14 93
#49 Pepperdine University 1 + 1
#49 Ohio State University: Columbus Campus 3 3 3 9
#49 Purdue University 5 4 1 + 10
#55 University of Miami 5 5 5 4 19
#55 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 3 4 1 + 6 6 20
#55 Santa Clara University 3 4 4 11
#59 University of Maryland: College Park 3 3 3 9
#59 University of Washington 1 + 1
#59 Syracuse University 5 9 1 + 13 13 41
#63 University of Connecticut 12 15 1 + 14 16 58
#63 George Washington University 9 14 1 + 22 23 69
#63 Worcester Polytechnic Institute 3 1 + 4
#68 Southern Methodist University 8 8 1 + 7 6 30
#68 Fordham University 7 6 9 9 31
#68 University of Massachusetts Amherst 1 + 1
#68 Indiana University Bloomington 3 3 1 + 7
#75 Loyola Marymount University 1 + 1
#79 American University 3 4 4 6 17
#83 SUNY University at Binghamton 4 1 + 5
#83 Elon University 4 4
#83 Howard University 1 + 1
#93 SUNY University at Stony Brook 3 3
#103 Drexel University 3 3
#103 University of San Francisco 1 + 1
#104 University of Colorado Boulder 5 6 1 + 6 7 25
#117 University of Vermont 9 8 1 + 7 7 32
#122 Chapman University 3 1 + 3 7
#176 University of Saint Joseph 3 3
Ranking University/College 2019-2023 2018-2022 2021 2016-2020 2015-2019 Total
All schools 233 247 26 263 312
#1 Williams College 9 9 1 + 16 19 54
#2 Amherst College 14 17 1 + 19 19 70
#3 Swarthmore College 6 4 1 + 3 4 18
#4 Pomona College 4 5 1 + 7 10 27
#5 Wellesley College 9 10 1 + 8 9 37
#6 United States Naval Academy 3 4 3 3 13
#6 Bowdoin College 5 6 1 + 7 8 27
#8 Claremont McKenna College 8 7 8 8 31
#9 Carleton College 4 3 1 + 3 3 14
#9 Middlebury College 13 12 1 + 1 24 51
#11 Washington and Lee University 3 4 5 12
#11 United States Military Academy 4 3 3 10
#13 Davidson College 3 3 1 + 7
#13 Hamilton College 7 9 8 11 35
#16 Haverford College 5 4 1 + 10
#17 Colby College 11 14 1 + 12 13 51
#17 Smith College 3 3 6
#17 Barnard College 14 14 1 + 15 13 57
#17 Wesleyan University 14 10 1 + 6 8 39
#17 Colgate University 8 12 1 + 16 13 50
#22 Vassar College 3 3 3 9
#22 University of Richmond 4 4 1 + 4 13
#25 Bates College 7 9 1 + 18 21 56
#26 Colorado College 12 10 1 + 6 5 34
#27 Macalester College 1 + 1
#28 Harvey Mudd College 4 4 1 + 3 12
#30 Scripps College 3 3 6 7 19
#30 Kenyon College 1 + 1
#35 Pitzer College 5 6 1 + 7 7 26
#35 College of the Holy Cross 6 5 8 8 27
#36 Oberlin College 4 5 5 9 23
#38 Skidmore College 10 8 1 + 8 7 34
#38 Lafayette College 9 8 14 14 45
#38 Bucknell University 7 9 8 8 32
#38 Franklin & Marshall College 3 3
#42 Denison University 3 4 5 12
#42 Occidental College 1 + 1
#45 Union College 5 6 11
#46 Trinity College 12 10 1 + 9 9 41
#50 Dickinson College 3 3 5 11
#50 Connecticut College 3 5 1 + 7 8 24
#54 Gettysburg College 3 3 1 + 5 5 17
#62 Bard College 5 5 10

AP Scores

Number of students took AP test
Score 5
Score 4
Score 3
Other scores



Cross Country
Field Hockey
Cross Country
Field Hockey
American Football
Ice Hockey
Track and Field
Water Polo
View all

Extracurricular Activities and Clubs

Biology Club
Chinese Club
Choate Programming Union
Japanese Club
Math Team
Physics Club
Biology Club
Chinese Club
Choate Programming Union
Japanese Club
Math Team
Physics Club
Psychology Club
Community Service Club
Environmental Action Coalition
Amnesty International
Asian Student Association
Black Student Alliance
Caribbean Club
Choate Diversity Student Association (CDSA)
Choate for Women
Choate Korea Friendship Association
Choate South Asian Association
Girl Up Choate
Hispanic-Latine Forum
Love Your Locs
Middle Eastern North Africa Club
Mixed Heritage Association
Neurodivergent Activism and Awareness Club
Students Advocating Gender Equality
Thai Club
Body Project
Future Health Professionals of Choate
Health Science Education Program
Choate Public Health
Lorem Ipsum
The Artist
The Choate Inquiry
The Currency
The Lit
Voices Magazine
Red Cross
Choate Young Democrats
Choate Young Republicans
March for Our Lives
Anime Club
Car Club
Chess Club
Choate Aerospace Association
Choate Comedy People
Choate Finance and Investment Club
Choate Dungeons and Dragons Club
Choate Integral Alliance
Choate Maker Club
Choate Mock Trial
Choate Music Through Technology
Choate Quiz Bowl
Choate Self Defense
Choate's American Sign Language Learners
Classics Club
CRH Grilling
Do It Club
Ethics Bowl
Fishing Club
Games & Change
Global Education Issues Forum
Linguistics Club
Martial Arts Club
Listen Up
Medical Interest Club
Modern Agriculture Club
Sociology & Anthropology Society
Students Engaging in Philosophy
Style at Choate
The Food Network
The Moth
The Ukulele Club
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Women Student-Athlete Association
Art Club
Choate Film Club
Choate Musicians Association
Choate Taps
Choate Theatre Co.
Dance Company
Hip Hop Club
Photography Club
Step Squad
SYNK Dance Team
View all


Digital Media
Oil Painting
Digital Media
Oil Painting
Theater Design
Tech Theater
Music Production
Music Theory
Art History
Digital Photography
Environmental Art
Studio Art
Mixed Media
View all

Contact Choate Rosemary Hall

Jeff Beaton Chief Enrollment Manager
Select up to 5 questions for the school Below are 10 common questions that parents often ask

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School Link


Choate Rosemary Hall is a member of SAO (The Standard Application Online) platform. Click the button below to apply.

Basic Info

Boarding Grades: 9-12, PG
IB: No
Year Founded: 1890
Campus Size: 458 acres
Boarding Rate: 75%
Religious Affiliation: No Religious Affiliation

Application Info

Deadline: 01/15
Interview: Skype, On Campus, FaceTime
Pre Interview: No Requirement
Other Accepted Scores: ISEE, TOEFL Junior, SAT
School Code:
TOEFL: 1883
SSAT: 2392
ISEE: 70245

Frequently Ask Questions about Choate Rosemary Hall

Tell me a bit about Choate Rosemary Hall.
Choate Rosemary Hall is Co-ed private boarding school located in Connecticut, US. It was founded 1890 , and currently has about 860 students, 18.00% of whom are international students.

For more official information, please visit http://www.choate.edu.

In 1974, the merger between the Choate School for boys and Rosemary Hall for girls created the current school, now known as Choate Rosemary Hall school. Both the original schools have been established by elite families in New England, the Choates and the Atwaters.
Does Choate Rosemary Hall have rigorous academic requirements?
In recent years, 68 of their students score 4 and 5 in AP exams.

Choate Rosemary Hall also have 73% of faculties whose degrees are master and above.

Choate's curriculum includes more than 300 elective and interdisciplinary courses, from astronomy and architecture, printmaking, etc. to digital video and development economics. Community service and in contemporary global studies are also part of the academic requirements.
Choate provides signature programs include the Advanced Robotics Program, Arabic and Middle Eastern Studies, Arts Concentration, Capstone, JFK Program in Government and Public Service, Science Research Program, and the Global Education Program.
Where do Choate Rosemary Hall students typically go for their colleges?
Based on the most recent matriculation data, 19.68% go to top 50 US universities and colleges*, 19.68% go to top 25, and about 16.76% go to Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Stanford and MIT.

*Ranking is based on the 2024 US News College Ranking.
What is the application requirement for Choate Rosemary Hall?
Similar to most private schools in the US, Choate Rosemary Hall’s typical admission requirements include school transcript, recommendation letter, application essay, and interview (often optional, but highly recommended).
What is the latest tuition for Choate Rosemary Hall’s Co-ed student?
The total fee for Choate Rosemary Hall in 2024 is $69,370 which typically includes tuition, boarding fee, student management fee and a few other fees associated with managing international students.

For more information, please contact school’s admission team at admission@choate.edu .

A need-based financial aid program is offered at Choate, with 34% of the student body are on financial aid, accordingly its 2024's report; the school states that the average aid grant is 80% of tuition. The school commits to meet 100% of an admitted student's demonstrated financial need.
Where is Choate Rosemary Hall located?
Choate Rosemary Hall is located in the State of Connecticut of USA.
How popular is Choate Rosemary Hall on FindingSchool network?
Based on FindingSchool monthly traffic data as well as onsite search record, Choate Rosemary Hall is among the most popular schools, within top 3 for all schools on FindingSchool.

Also Choate Rosemary Hall has been favorited by 1319 users.
How to start with an application with Choate Rosemary Hall?
The first stop is to carefully review the school profile on FindingSchool to learn more about Choate Rosemary Hall. Most of them are directly provided by the school.

Also it is highly recommended to visit Choate Rosemary Hall’s official site: http://www.choate.edu or call them at 203-697-2239.
Please share a few nearby schools that are close to Choate Rosemary Hall?
What is the FindingSchool rating for Choate Rosemary Hall?
The overall rating for Choate Rosemary Hall is A+.

The section ratings of Choate Rosemary Hall are:
A+ for Matriculation
A+ for Academics
A+ for Extracurriculum
A- for Community
A+ for Students and Parents reviews

Nearby City

New York City, often referred to as NYC, is the most populous city in the United States with a 2020 population of 8.8 million. It is the cultural, financial, and entertainment hub of the world, renowned for its iconic landmarks like Times Square, Central Park, and the Statue of Liberty. The city is home to global institutions such as the United Nations and Wall Street. Known for its diversity and vibrant arts scene, New York City plays a crucial role in shaping international commerce, politics, and culture.

Population (2022) 8,363,710
Cost of Living Higher than average 146%
Nearby Airport JFK aireport

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