"The Talmudical Institute of Upstate New York was founded in 1974 by Rabbi Menachem Davidowitz and Rabbi Dovid Harris. The Yeshiva has a high school, bais medrash and kollel. We have always felt that one of the most important factors in a successful yeshiva is an intangible called ""atmosphere"". This aura affects every aspect of Yeshiva life, from learning to davening to interpersonal relationships. Our Yeshiva, thank G-d, has been blessed with a happy atmosphere. There is simcha in the halls, in the dorm, and a more serious version in the classrooms. With this atmosphere, a talmid can be challenged to excel in our demanding Limudei Kodesh and secular programs. He can sense the warmth of his Rabbeim and teachers and their dedication to his becoming an outstanding Ben Torah and scholar."
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