순위 | 대학 | 인원수 |
#2 | Columbia University | 1 + |
#2 | Harvard College | 1 + |
#9 | Johns Hopkins University | 1 + |
#14 | Brown University | 1 + |
#20 | University of California: Los Angeles | 1 + |
#23 | Georgetown University | 1 + |
#34 | University of California: San Diego | 1 + |
#36 | University of California: Irvine | 1 + |
#57 | Penn State University Park | 1 + |
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Computer Science Principles 컴퓨터 과학 원리
Human Geography 인문지리학
English Literature and Composition 영어문학과 작문
Studio Art: Drawing 스튜디오 아트: 드로잉
IB French ab Initio ภาษาฝรั่งเศส ab Initio IB
IB French B ภาษาฝรั่งเศส B IB
IB Spanish ab Initio ภาษาสเปน ab Initio IB
IB Global Politics การเมืองโลก IB
IB History ประวัติศาสตร์ IB
IB Biology ชีววิทยา IB
IB French ab Initio ภาษาฝรั่งเศส ab Initio IB
IB French B ภาษาฝรั่งเศส B IB
IB Spanish ab Initio ภาษาสเปน ab Initio IB
IB Global Politics การเมืองโลก IB
IB History ประวัติศาสตร์ IB
IB Biology ชีววิทยา IB
IB Chemistry เคมี IB
IB Environmental Systems and Societies ระบบและสังคมสิ่งแวดล้อม IB
IB Physics ฟิสิกส์ IB
IB Analysis and Approaches การวิเคราะห์และแนวทาง IB
IB Applications and Interpretations การประยุกต์ใช้และการตีความ IB
IB Visual Arts ศิลปะทัศนศิลป์ IB
Aquatics 수상 운동
Badminton 배드민턴
Basketball 농구
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
Rowing 로잉
Rugby 럭비
Aquatics 수상 운동
Badminton 배드민턴
Basketball 농구
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
Rowing 로잉
Rugby 럭비
Soccer 축구
Track and Field 육상 경기
Volleyball 배구
Art Club
Dance Club
Model UN Club
Peer Tutoring
Student Council
Art Club
Dance Club
Model UN Club
Peer Tutoring
Student Council
First Scholars Club
Environmental Green Club
DEI (Diversity
Journalism and Writing Club
GSA Club
First Tech Challenge Club
Debate Club
Glee Club
Drama Club
Yoga Club
Service and Kindness Outreach Club
Band 밴드
Choir 합창
Drama 드라마
Jazz 재즈
Music 음악
Media 미디어
Band 밴드
Choir 합창
Drama 드라마
Jazz 재즈
Music 음악
Media 미디어
Photography 사진술
Studio Art 스튜디오 아트
Art 예술
Design 디자인
Writing 글쓰기