순위 | 대학 | 인원수 |
#1 | Princeton University | 2 |
#2 | Columbia University | 7 |
#2 | Harvard College | 3 |
#2 | Massachusetts Institute of Technology | 8 |
#5 | Yale University | 4 |
LAC #1 | Williams College | 4 |
#6 | Stanford University | 4 |
#6 | University of Chicago | 3 |
#8 | University of Pennsylvania | 7 |
Biology 생물학
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Calculus BC 미적분학 BC
Chemistry 화학
Chinese Language and Culture 중국어와 문화
Computer Science A 컴퓨터 과학 A
Biology 생물학
Calculus AB 미적분학 AB
Calculus BC 미적분학 BC
Chemistry 화학
Chinese Language and Culture 중국어와 문화
Computer Science A 컴퓨터 과학 A
English Language and Composition 영어와 작문
English Literature and Composition 영어문학과 작문
Environmental Science 환경 과학
French Language and Culture 프랑스어와 문화
Human Geography 인문지리학
Macroeconomics 거시경제학
Psychology 심리학
Spanish Language and Culture 스페인어와 문화
Statistics 통계학
United States Government and Politics 미국 정부와 정치학
United States History 미국역사학
World History 세계사학
Physics 1 물리학1
Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism 물리학 C: 전기와 자기학
Spanish Literature and Culture 스페인 문학과 문화
Computer Science Principles 컴퓨터 과학 원리
Physics 1 물리학1
Physics C: Mechanics 물리학 C: 기계학
Comparative Government and Politics 비교정부와 정치학
European History 유럽 사학
Microeconomics 미시경제학
Music Theory 음악 이론학
Studio Art: 2-D Design 스튜디오 아트: 2D 디자인
Studio Art: Drawing 스튜디오 아트: 드로잉
Baseball 야구
Basketball 농구
Bowling 볼링
Cheerleading 치어리딩
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
American Football 미식축구
Baseball 야구
Basketball 농구
Bowling 볼링
Cheerleading 치어리딩
Cross Country 크로스 컨트리
American Football 미식축구
Golf 골프
Ice Hockey 아이스 하키
Lacrosse 라크로스
Soccer 축구
Softball 소프트볼
Swimming 수영과 다이빙
Tennis 테니스
Track and Field 육상 경기
Volleyball 배구
Weightlifting 역도
Wrestling 레슬링
Andrea;s angels
Anime and Manga
Astronomy club
Best buddies
Andrea;s angels
Anime and Manga
Astronomy club
Best buddies
Black gold and green
Book Inker's club
Bringing back the classics
The Ceramics club
Chess club
Chick fil-a leader academy
Chinese club
Chinese honor society
Cover to cover
Dance Ensemble
Daniella's Journey
Deed poets society
Engineering society
English Honor society
Equestrian club
Future business leaders of America
Feeding South Florida
First priority
Free the children
Gay-straight alliance
GEMS-women in Engineering
Girl up
Giving a gift
Guitar club
Harry Potter Alumni
Healthy heritage
Heritage Ambassadors
Heritage for Humanity
History bowl and bee
Hope club
Inter club council
Junior high chorus
JH journalism
Junior high student government
Junior thespians
Key club
Lean in club
Lego league
Letters for better
Life in action
Linguistics club
Make a wish
Marine biology club
Model UN
Mu Alpha Theta
Multicultural club
National art honor society
National English honor society
National honor society
Operation smile
One planet united
Patriot pride
Political club
Pre-law society
Pre-Med society
Progressive generation
Quill and Scroll
Rho kappa
Save the memories
Science bowl
Science National Honor Society
Senior Thepian
SH student government association
Spanish honor
Speech and debate
student television network
Symphony Orchestra
Tikkun Olam
Wounded warrior
A Cappella 아카펠라
Acting 연기
Band 밴드
Chorus 합창
Dance 춤
Directing 연출
A Cappella 아카펠라
Acting 연기
Band 밴드
Chorus 합창
Dance 춤
Directing 연출
Drama 드라마
Guitar 기타
Jazz 재즈
Music 음악
Percussion 타악기
Piano 피아노
Theater 극장
Vocal 보컬
Ceramics 도예
Computer Graphic 컴퓨터 그래픽
Drawing 그림
Painting 그림
Photography 사진술
Sculpture 조각
Architecture 건축학
Audition 오디션
Design 디자인