Willowwind is an independent elementary school for children ages 4 through 14. The school was founded in 1972 by a group of educators and parents to provide an innovative approach to education for the Iowa City community. Our mission is to develop in our students curiosity and creativity, self-esteem combined with social consciousness and self-discipline, mastery of academic skills and basic knowledge, and the ability to think and express oneself clearly and constructively. We believe that children learn best in an atmosphere that provides security, continuity, and high expectations. A low student-teacher ratio allows teachers to establish informed, caring relationships with students and to meet the specific educational and social needs of each child. Students generally have one main teacher over several years, allowing the teacher to understand each child intellectually and temperamentally. This close relationship is ideal for responding effectively to a child's work and encouraging constant growth. At Willowwind, children find the freedom to make mistakes and the courage to move beyond them to their fullest potential.