The Willows Child Learning Centers began in September 1969, with the opening of Willows/Arapaho-Hills at 5301 S. Lowell Boulevard. Willows Child Learning Center, which is also the business office, was completed in January 1977, and is located at 6865 S. Quebec Street. Willows/Olde-Mill Child Learning Center was completed in September 1987, and is located at 6894 S. Homestead Parkway. Efforts are continuously made to add to the facilities, staff and materials of each center in an attempt to perfect the education and care provided for young children. Each center provides full-day childcare, preschool, kindergarten, before and after school care for elementary children, a summer elementary program, and summer swimming lessons. Morning preschool is provided for all age groups and afternoon preschool is provided at the Willows center for 3, 4, and 5-year old. Kindergarten is a full-day program for children who are five by September 15th. Before and after school care and transportation are provided for elementary children who are in grades one through five. A full-day summer program is also provided for this group. The Willows Child Learning Centers to provide the best in early development and learning through a loving, stimulating environment for every child. To this end children are placed in classrooms with teams of teachers according to age groupings. Within an age group children are divided into small groups and belong to a certain teacher on the basis of an individual evaluation, which reveals the child's developmental level. Evaluation results are always shared in parent-teacher conferences.
デンバー市および郡(City and County of Denver)は、アメリカ・コロラド州にある合併市郡で、コロラド州で最大の都市であり、州都でもあります。デンバーは、ロッキー山脈に近い平原に位置しており、デンバー・オーロラ大都市圏の中心を形成しています。デンバーの中心部は、南プラット川(South Platte River)の東岸に位置し、南プラット川とチェリークリーク(Cherry Creek)の交差点に近く、山の麓から約15マイルの距離にあります。平均海抜は1610メートル(約1マイル)であるため、「1マイルシティ」として知られています。