We the Whidbey Island Waldorf School community come together for the education of children -- hands, heart and head. Our unique island environment and the school's forested surroundings enliven the experience of learning. Our early childhood, elementary and middle-school programs are designed to meet the needs of children in each phase of their development. Each teacher guides one class through eight years of schooling. This long association allows the creation of a family-like intimacy in the classroom, nurturing each child -- body, soul and spirit -- that they might bring their individual gifts into the future. Together they journey through an artistically integrated academic program that recapitulates the social and cultural development of humankind, awakening interest in the other. We also foster individual and social growth by working in a non-hierarchical, collaborative fashion -- Board, Parents and Faculty. Our efforts create a healthy social life in the school, which is reflected in the activities of the children who bring to the greater community love through human service, beauty through artistic expression and inspiration to light our path into the future.