The Wesley Grove Pre-Kindergarten welcomes you and your child to our Early Childhood Education Program. In developing our program, we have endeavored to keep in mind the growth and development patterns of two-, three-, and four- year-old children. We hope to instill, in our child-centered environment, a true love for for learning in each child. Through examination and exploration of their environment, the young child establishes the foundation for future attitudes, habits, and methods of skill-building. In well planned group experiences, your child will learn to share and take turns, to be sensitive to the needs of others, the art of listening and following directions, the art of problem solving. We are concerned with each child as an individual, therefore, we have developed a flexible learning environment which seeks to strengthen physical, mental and social capabilities within each child. Through loving and accepting relationships, the young child will develop imitative and imagination, as well as feelings of courage and security. In their early years. a child will begin an educational process, which if nourished, will help them to become a productive, worthwhile and responsible member of society. Wesley Pre-Kindergarten is a self-supporting, non-for-profit ministry of the Wesley Grove United Methodist Church. We do not actively proselytize, but as part of a Christian organization, the Christian message is incorporated into our daily activities we say grace at snack time; we re-enact the Nativity at Christmas; we include songs that mention God into our repertoire; and at times we will ask for your child's participation in a church activity. Nevertheless, we do welcome and encourage children of all faiths to attend.