Tyler Adventist Christian School is part of the world-wide Seventh-day Adventist school network. The Seventh-day Adventist educational system includes elementary and high schools, colleges and universities in countries around the globe. The staff and board of Tyler Adventist School believe that all true wisdom and knowledge come from God. The highest education is found in the Bible and a correct knowledge of Scriptures lies at the foundation of all true education. Developing a personal relationship with Christ is one of the first steps to obtaining a true education. True education will seek to draw the learner closer to God. Through study of God's Word and developing a personal relationship with Him, students and teachers should demonstrate Christ's teachings and principals in both words and actions. When God's Word is believed, received, and carried into practice, education of the highest order results. Students should not be trained to repeat what others have propounded. Instead, they should be taught to develop higher thinking skills and to be able to study for themselves "whether these things be true". Students should develop a loving service for mankind rather than selfish ambition. By serving others, we partake in Jesus' ministry and develop characters fit for heaven.