Timberlake Christian Schools was founded in 1966 as a ministry of Timberlake Baptist Church. The educational philosophy of Timberlake Christian Schools is based upon the Biblical view of truth and man as set forth in the Bible. The verbally inspired Word of God in its truthfulness and completeness it is the only criterion, the supreme and final authority, for faith and practice, and therefore, is the starting point of all rational inquiry and the guide to all interpretation of reality. The Bible is the source of the principles determining other subjects and the way in which they are taught. The presentation of Biblical truth is thus not confined to a single segment of the curriculum - the study of the Bible - but is integrated throughout the teaching of all subjects. This facet of TCS makes it unique among schools in our community. The mission of Timberlake Christian Schools is to provide the opportunity for young people to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior, educate them within the framework of a Christian worldview, stimulate their development of Christlike character and conduct and offer programs for them to increase in wisdom, stature, and in favor with God and man.