Thunderbird Christian Elementary offers an exceptional music and physical education program as it takes advantage of Thunderbird Adventist Academy facilities and staff. Students love having a swimming pool for PE classes and a swim meet. It is the purpose of Thunderbird Christian Elementary to teach the student to develop a personal relationship with Christ, to love and respect God above all others, to show kindness and understanding to his fellow man, to be interdependent with others, yet, be an independent thinker. Thunderbird Christian Elementary is committed to providing a learning climate so stimulating that the students will desire to attend school. A proper balance on the development of the physical, mental, social, and spiritual growth of each student is emphasized. It is only as this fourfold education is accomplished that youth can grow to better serve their country, community, church, and God. TCE is fully accredited with the National Council for Private Schools. Students consistently score high on the Iowa Test of Basic Skills Achievement Tests, but more importantly, they are nurtured and taught to love Jesus and respect themselves and others.