The Winston School San Antonio exists to educate children in grades kindergarten through twelve with learning differences and learning disabilities in an atmosphere that addresses their personal learning styles and promotes self-esteem, a positive attitude about learning, and optimal attainment of educational and career goals. Students will become advocates for themselves and others and will be able to make a contribution to the world in which they live. With the support and participation of the health care and educational communities, The Winston School San Antonio develops diagnostic and educational programs for the treatment of learning disabilities and provides public information and training opportunities for health care and educational professionals. The Winston School San Antonio provides an environment for ongoing scientific research into the cause and treatment of learning disabilities.
The Winston School San Antonioは、アメリカのテキサス州, アメリカに位置する男女共学私立です。学校は1985年に設立されました。現在の生徒数は194@if ( $school->rank->rank_iIntStud > 0)人で、そのうち留学生は-1.00%を占めています。@endif。