The Japhet School is an award-winning, independent coeducational day school serving students preschool through eighth grade. Our mission is to nurture and prepare each child for life by integrating character education with a strong academic program. Japhet's curriculum in character development focuses on 18 qualities such as joy, respect for others, industry, peace, humility and respect for self, covered monthly in a two year cycle. Children at every level are taught the meaning of these qualities and their practical application in school, at home and in the community.
1701年にフランスの毛皮商人によって設立され、アメリカ北東部、カナダのウィンザーの南、デトロイト川沿いに位置する重要な港町であり、世界的な自動車産業の中心地および音楽の都として知られています。都市名は、セントクレア湖とイリ湖を結ぶデトロイト川に由来し、フランス語の「Rivière du Détroit」(海峡の川)から来ています。