The mission of The David School is to provide a comprehensive educational program for Appalachian youth and adults who have limited financial resources and the potential to succeed in a non-traditional setting. We will achieve our mission by creating a nurturing school environment that offers all students, through individualized attention, the opportunity to experience success and to serve their community. Our philosophy is deeply rooted in Christian values and community service. We cherish our students, community and Appalachian Heritage, and we strive to involve the whole family in the learning experience. We believe that all students have the desire and capacity to learn if given the right support. We believe by serving others, students gain a sense of self-worth and self-knowledge that leads to individual success. We value family, learning, and creativity. As a result of our educational programs our graduates will become self sufficient, life-long learners capable of attaining advanced educational opportunities and sustainable employment. As a result of our work we seek to achieve human rights, equal opportunity, individual growth and success, self-worth, and self-esteem.