Merkaz Bnos High School is an all-girls Jewish academic institution offering grades 9th through 12th. It was founded in 1990 with the encouragement and assistance of numerous community leaders. The student body is comprised of young woman representing a wide variety of cultures and nationalities, including many from the former Soviet Union,Syria, and Iran, who had never had the freedom or opportunity to experience the richness of their Jewish faith. Merkaz Bnos High School's curriculum encompasses both Judaic and general studies. It emphasis the development of the total individual, academically, spiritually and socially. The Merkaz learning experience is one that brings life to learning and learning to life. It involves both classroom studies and a unique community service program. Students are able to proceed according to their knowledge and achievement, rather then by grade level and to from bonds with the school's devoted and talented faculty and administration, all whom are committed to the success and well being to every Merkaz student.
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