

Little Red School House goal is to educate students to become independent thinkers and lifelong learners and to pursue academic excellence and individual achievement, in a context of respect for others and service to the community. We believe that learning should be active and experiential, with the school providing abundant opportunities for students to excel. We accept students with a range of abilities and talents who can take full advantage of a rich and demanding academic program in which each student is both challenged and supported. We seek to create within the school a community built on understanding and respecting others. Thus, our student body traditionally reflects the racial and cultural diversity of our city, and our curriculum is built on inter-disciplinary studies to promote understanding of many cultures. While individual achievement is encouraged and rewarded, our program underscores the value of shared goals, friendship and cooperation in mastering difficult tasks. The progressive ideals that in 1921 gave life and inspiration to the school
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) レビュー、要件 2024年 | FindingSchool
お気に入りにLREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)を追加したり、他の学校と比較したり、友達と共有したりしたい場合は、以下のショートカットをご利用ください。




ランク 大学 人数
#1 Princeton University 2
#4 Columbia University 3
LAC #1 Williams College 1
#8 Duke University 1
#10 California Institute of Technology 1
#23 University of Southern California 4
#27 Wake Forest University 2
#29 University of Michigan 1
#32 New York University 3
#33 University of Rochester 1
#41 Boston University 2
#41 Tulane University 2
#47 Penn State University Park 1
#57 George Washington University 1
LAC #14 Hamilton College 1
LAC #14 Smith College 2
LAC #14 Wesleyan University 2
#75 Indiana University Bloomington 2
LAC #19 Colby College 1
LAC #19 Colgate University 1
#99 Loyola University Chicago 1
LAC #23 Macalester College 1
LAC #29 Barnard College 1
LAC #36 Pitzer College 1
LAC #38 Skidmore College 1
LAC #40 Franklin & Marshall College 2
LAC #43 Occidental College 1
LAC #43 Trinity College 1
LAC #45 Bard College 2
順位 大学 2017 2010-2015 合計
合計 27 42
#1 Princeton University 2 1 + 3
#2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1 + 1
#5 Yale University 1 + 1
#6 University of Pennsylvania 1 + 1
#7 California Institute of Technology 1 1 + 2
#7 Duke University 1 1 + 2
#9 Brown University 1 + 1
#9 Johns Hopkins University 1 + 1
#9 Northwestern University 1 + 1
#12 Cornell University 1 + 1
#12 University of Chicago 1 + 1
#12 Columbia University 3 1 + 4
#18 Dartmouth College 1 + 1
#18 Vanderbilt University 1 + 1
#20 University of Notre Dame 1 + 1
#21 University of Michigan 1 1
#22 Georgetown University 1 + 1
#24 Emory University 1 + 1
#28 University of Southern California 4 4
#35 New York University 3 1 + 4
#39 Boston College 1 + 1
#40 Tufts University 1 + 1
#40 University of Washington 1 + 1
#43 Boston University 2 1 + 3
#47 University of Rochester 1 1 + 2
#47 Lehigh University 1 + 1
#47 Penn State University Park 1 1
#47 Wake Forest University 2 2
#53 College of William and Mary 1 + 1
#53 Case Western Reserve University 1 + 1
#53 Northeastern University 1 + 1
#58 University of Connecticut 1 + 1
#60 Brandeis University 1 + 1
#60 Michigan State University 1 + 1
#60 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 1 + 1
#67 George Washington University 1 1 + 2
#67 University of Miami 1 + 1
#67 Syracuse University 1 + 1
#73 Tulane University 2 1 + 3
#73 Indiana University Bloomington 2 2
#76 University of Delaware 1 + 1
#76 Stevens Institute of Technology 1 + 1
#89 Fordham University 1 + 1
#98 Drexel University 1 + 1
#105 American University 1 + 1
#133 University of Vermont 1 + 1
#142 Clark University 1 + 1
#142 Loyola University Chicago 1 1
順位 大学 2017 2010-2015 合計
合計 18 31
#1 Williams College 1 1 + 2
#2 Amherst College 1 + 1
#4 Swarthmore College 1 + 1
#9 Carleton College 1 + 1
#9 Bowdoin College 1 + 1
#11 Barnard College 1 1 + 2
#11 Wesleyan University 2 1 + 3
#11 Middlebury College 1 + 1
#11 Grinnell College 1 + 1
#16 Vassar College 1 + 1
#16 Hamilton College 1 1 + 2
#16 Smith College 2 1 + 3
#21 Colgate University 1 1 + 2
#23 Oberlin College 1 + 1
#24 Bates College 1 + 1
#25 Colby College 1 1
#27 Macalester College 1 1 + 2
#30 Lafayette College 1 + 1
#30 Bryn Mawr College 1 + 1
#30 Bucknell University 1 + 1
#33 Colorado College 1 + 1
#34 Mount Holyoke College 1 + 1
#35 Franklin & Marshall College 2 2
#35 Occidental College 1 1 + 2
#38 Union College 1 + 1
#38 Skidmore College 1 1 + 2
#39 Pitzer College 1 1 + 2
#39 Trinity College 1 1 + 2
#46 Whitman College 1 + 1
#46 Connecticut College 1 + 1
#46 Dickinson College 1 + 1
#63 Gettysburg College 1 + 1
#72 Bard College 2 1 + 3



Baseball 野球
Basketball バスケットボール
Cross Country 長距離走
Fencing フェンシング
Soccer サッカー
Softball ソフトボール
Baseball 野球
Basketball バスケットボール
Cross Country 長距離走
Fencing フェンシング
Soccer サッカー
Softball ソフトボール
Swimming 水泳
Tennis テニス
Track and Field 陸上競技
Volleyball バレーボール


(2) The Lower School Chorus
available to Third and Fourth graders
has rehearsal after school one day per week.
(4) Past Middle School activities during school include Chorus
(2) The Lower School Chorus
available to Third and Fourth graders
has rehearsal after school one day per week.
(4) Past Middle School activities during school include Chorus
Interior Design
Model Congress
Library Corps
Comic Book Club
Writing and Ball Games.
(5) Middle School Intramural Sports are available to Fifth and Sixth graders
including Soccer
Basketball and Softball. After school clubs include Robotics
Gear Girls and Rube Goldberg Team.
(6) High school clubs and musical ensembles meet during the last period of each day
(7) Sample of recent X-Block offerings: Chorus
Jazz Ensemble
Wind Ensemble
Advanced Projects in Studio Art
Anime and Manga
Class Films
Literary Magazine
Model UN
(2) The Lower School Chorus
available to Third and Fourth graders
has rehearsal after school one day per week.
(4) Past Middle School activities during school include Chorus
Interior Design
Model Congress
Library Corps
Comic Book Club
Writing and Ball Games.
(5) Middle School Intramural Sports are available to Fifth and Sixth graders
including Soccer
Basketball and Softball. After school clubs include Robotics
Gear Girls and Rube Goldberg Team.
(6) High school clubs and musical ensembles meet during the last period of each day
(7) Sample of recent X-Block offerings: Chorus
Jazz Ensemble
Wind Ensemble
Advanced Projects in Studio Art
Anime and Manga
Class Films
Literary Magazine
Model UN
Urban Agriculture.
(1) In the Lower School our extracurricular club and athletic activities are part of our Afterschool
(3) Middle School clubs and extracurricular athletic activities take place both during the normal co
referred to as X-Block. X-blocks are open to students in grades 9 through 12 and are often initiated
Urban Agriculture. (1) In the Lower School our extracurricular club and athletic activities are part
(3) Middle School clubs and extracurricular athletic activities take place both during the normal co
referred to as X-Block. X-blocks are open to students in grades 9 through 12 and are often initiated



通学学校の学年: PreK-12
ESL: なし
創立年: 1921
宗教: 宗教なし


申請締切日: 12/01
面接: キャンパス内
事前面接: 要件なし
ISEE: 336195

LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)についてよくある質問

LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)について簡単に紹介してください。
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)は、アメリカのLREI (Little Red School House, アメリカに位置する男女共学私立です。学校は1921年に設立されました。現在の生徒数は650@if ( $school->rank->rank_iIntStud > 0)人で、そのうち留学生は0.15%を占めています。@endif。

LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)の学問レベルはどのくらいですか?
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)では修士号またはそれ以上の学位を持つ教師が78%を占めています。
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) を卒業した学生はどの大学に進学しますか?
2017年には、一部の学生が次の大学に進学しました: Princeton University, Columbia University, Williams College, Duke University および California Institute of Technology.
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) に出願する際に必要な書類は何ですか?提出可能なTOEFLおよびSSATのスコア基準は何ですか?
ほとんどの私立学校と同様に、LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)が要求する出願手続きおよび提出書類は、成績証明書、推薦状、出願書類、 そして面接(必須ではありませんが、推奨)などが含まれています。
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) の学費と寮費はいくらですか?国際学生には別途経済的支援が提供されますか?
2024年のLREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)の総費用は、 $40,830 です。学費、寮費、学生管理費、および国際学生に関連する他の費用が含まれています。

詳しい情報を知りたい場合は、 admissions@lrei.org にお問い合わせください。
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) の場所はどこですか?
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) はアメリカの LREI (Little Red School House, アメリカ にあります。
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) のFindingSchoolでの評価はどうですか?
FindingSchoolの検索データによると、LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) は 1000 位にランクされています。

ちなみに、LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) がコレクションに追加された回数は 3 回です。
まず、FindingSchoolでLREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)に関する情報をじっくり確認してください。ほとんどの情報は学校が提供したものです。

また、LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School)の公式ウェブサイトをご覧いただくか、212-477-5316にお問い合わせください。
LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) 近くにおすすめの学校はありますか?
はい、LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) 近くには次の学校があります: The Cooke Center School, School For Young Performers または City Country School.

LREI (Little Red School House & Elisabeth Irwin High School) の評価はどうですか?
FindingSchoolの評価サービスは、2017年に開始された特別なシステムです。何百万ものアジアの家族に最高のサービスとサポートを提供することを最終目標としています。このシステムは、アジアの保護者の視点からアメリカの私立学校を評価することを目的としており、これはアメリカのネイティブ家族の視点とは異なります。詳細はこちらでご覧いただけます。 FindingSchoolのデータによると、[学校]はアメリカの全ての学校の中で最も人気のある学校の一つであり、[??]位にランクインしています。