Divine Mercy Academy exists to form each child by instilling Catholic values and developing his or her own uniqueness in a quality educational environment. Divine Mercy Academy offers a safe, drug free, nurturing environment, a sound curriculum based on Gospel Values and individual attention to student needs enabling each student to utilize his or her gifts as Christ Centered citizens. Our school, grounded in the tradition of Gospel values as evidenced through spiritual experiences and service to others, maintains ties with the Sisters of Divine Providence by supporting them financially and inviting them to school as speakers and advisors. We maintain a spiritual focus through service projects and dramatizations of Scripture during Christmas and Lenten seasons, and frequent planning of and participation in Liturgies and paraliturgies. Additionally we maintain high expectations and encourage each student to set goals that will allow them to achieve his/her highest potential. We accomplish this through adherence to curriculum guidelines, updated textbooks and audio-visual materials, multifaceted instruction and learning opportunities such as oral and written assignments, group work and projects, cooperative learning and peer tutoring. Consistency of assignments and clarity of work from one grade level to another is maintained. Our graduates are outstanding and contributing members of our local community.