Discovery Montessori Elementary School is a private school offering a Montessori education to those enrolled. We aim to provide each child with an individual developmentally appropriate educational program within the framework of a full Montessori curriculum and philosophy. This includes the use of manipulative materials on the floor and at the table. We work towards, and therefore the child has to be capable of , achieving independence with an inner self-discipline, self-motivation, love of learning, care of self, others, and the environment. Discovery Montessori Elementary School admits students of any race, color, nationality, and ethnic origin. Provisions are made at the school to accommodate children with special needs who are able to function in and benefit from our program. Montessori Education is based on the principle that every child carries within the potential of the adult he/she is to become. Dr. Montessori believed that no human being is educated by another person. The aim is to assist the child to educate himself. The aim is also to develop within the child a love of learning and a thirst for knowledge that will remain long after the regular school day or school years are over.
デンバー市および郡(City and County of Denver)は、アメリカ・コロラド州にある合併市郡で、コロラド州で最大の都市であり、州都でもあります。デンバーは、ロッキー山脈に近い平原に位置しており、デンバー・オーロラ大都市圏の中心を形成しています。デンバーの中心部は、南プラット川(South Platte River)の東岸に位置し、南プラット川とチェリークリーク(Cherry Creek)の交差点に近く、山の麓から約15マイルの距離にあります。平均海抜は1610メートル(約1マイル)であるため、「1マイルシティ」として知られています。