The doors of the Culpeper Christian School opened in the fall of 1976. Culpeper Christian School exists to please the Lord Jesus Christ and to work with the home to build academic excellence on the Word of God. The primary objective of Culpeper Christian School, Inc. (C.C.S.) is to recapture the philosophy, curriculum and proven methods of the traditional American Christian school. Having a Bible-based, Christ-centered teaching/learning process in every area of the curriculum and school activity, dedicated to the fundamentals of the Word of God and to the principles of our traditional American heritage under the direction of born-again, Christian educators. It is the chief goal of these educators to develop students of character and conduct who live for the glory of God and for the good of society. Imparting these Christian principles to our students through highly-trained, motivated, dedicated Christian leaders, including teachers, administrative personnel and board members who are of one mind in achieving these spiritual goals and in maintaining high standards of learning in our academic program. At Culpeper Christian School, we believe that every student is a unique individual created by God. Students have a need to see school learning situations from God's perspective so that their learning process will be purposeful, meaningful and joyful, transforming not only their minds, but also their emotions and wills with the wisdom and love of their Creator.