Crescent Academy is an independent, Islamic school open to students of all cultures and backgrounds. The school is dedicated to serving the needs of those students and families who wish to take advantage of the opportunities offered by a private, Islamic education. The educational approach of Crescent Academy emphasizes the education of the total person. The school strives to educate young men and women who are well developed physically, emotionally, intellectually, morally, spiritually and socially. The school encourages students to explore and grow in their knowledge of themselves and the creations of Almighty God, hoping to inspire a generation of young men and women who are firmly in touch with themselves, their heritage as Muslims and their role and responsibilities in contemporary society. Students at Crescent Academy are considered very special young people, not because of who they are, but how they are. Integrity, honesty, industry, cooperation, enthusiasm, responsibility, appreciation, service, and faith are the principles that guide our endeavor.
お気に入りにCrescent Academy Internationalを追加したり、他の学校と比較したり、友達と共有したりしたい場合は、以下のショートカットをご利用ください。
1701年にフランスの毛皮商人によって設立され、アメリカ北東部、カナダのウィンザーの南、デトロイト川沿いに位置する重要な港町であり、世界的な自動車産業の中心地および音楽の都として知られています。都市名は、セントクレア湖とイリ湖を結ぶデトロイト川に由来し、フランス語の「Rivière du Détroit」(海峡の川)から来ています。