Congregation Ner Tamid Kindergarten Offers classes for Kindergarten through 12th grade students, our dynamic Religious School program brings Judaism to life by engaging students in stimulating classroom activities, field trips, art, music, drama and technology. Family Education programs are also held throughout the year for parents and children to learn together. Our professional teaching staff creates opportunities beyond book learning to foster class community and enrich the curriculum. Our curriculum explores the Jewish Holidays, Bible stories, Jewish values and ethics, life cycle, history, Israel, and as part of our program students are taught to read Hebrew. Our B'nai Mitzvah training prepares them to be a full member of the Jewish community as they lead our congregation in worship at their Bat/Bat Mitzvah. Our Confirmation and High School program are filled with topics that are both relevant and important for today's teens. A highlight of the High School experience at Congregation Ner Tamid is a trip to Washington DC where students can engage in face to face lobbying with our Congressional representatives on topics important to them.