Since 1962, Cobb Memorial School has provided the utmost in educational excellence and child care. Our school age special education program features recreation and enrichment as part of our stimulating educational program for children ages 5 to 21 years old. Cobb Memorial School has also provided programming to meet the needs of students with developmental disabilities. Our mission is to create, for each student, an appropriate atmosphere for learning which will enable them to feel in their school environment: loved, safe and secure. This mission statement exemplifies our philosophy of providing that kind of individual programming in a conducive environment to prepare each student with skills for his/her present and future life. The Cobb School specializes in providing learning opportunities presented in small, cooperative settings.Our class ratio is 6:1:1 and our enrollment is limited to only 36 students. In this way, each child's INDIVIDUAL needs are assessed as their academic program is developed around their I.E.P. goals and objectives.