Clonlara School provides programs and services that recognize and support a learner's curiosity, strengths, interests and talents as the foundation of his or her educational experience. The Clonlara School philosophy is that a school must empower students to participate purposefully and eagerly in their own educations. We believe that learning begins with curiosity. Our experience providing an open environment that fosters creativity has confirmed our belief that children learn best when their interests guide their activities. Clonlara School believes that parents have the right and ability to educate their own children. Clonlara School views the world as the classroom and considers the learning environment integral to the learning process. We believe that a school should allow its students to participate in the design and application of the curriculum. We believe that academic learning and the mastery of skills are not limited by the location in which they are sought, either in a school or at home. Our approach to education leads to a lifelong love of learning.
デンバー市および郡(City and County of Denver)は、アメリカ・コロラド州にある合併市郡で、コロラド州で最大の都市であり、州都でもあります。デンバーは、ロッキー山脈に近い平原に位置しており、デンバー・オーロラ大都市圏の中心を形成しています。デンバーの中心部は、南プラット川(South Platte River)の東岸に位置し、南プラット川とチェリークリーク(Cherry Creek)の交差点に近く、山の麓から約15マイルの距離にあります。平均海抜は1610メートル(約1マイル)であるため、「1マイルシティ」として知られています。