City Tree Christian School is an ethnically and socio-economically diverse school located in downtown San Diego. We serve as an outreach of First Presbyterian Church, committed to integrating educational excellence with the Bible-based teachings of Jesus Christ. Children will excel academically, be good citizens, and know God when we provide educational experiences, needed care and protection in a loving Christian environment. The school curriculum introduces children to a completely God-centered orientation of life, to help them develop a thoroughly Christian and Biblical worldview. Children will be taught a Christian way of living and playing together, interpreted through the teachings of Jesus Christ. They will learn to think of their world as given by God because of His perfect love for them. Each child develops differently and comes to school with a unique set of experiences; our teachers thoughtfully consider these individual needs as they daily work with students.
City Tree Christian Schoolは、アメリカのカリフォルニア, アメリカに位置する男女共学私立です。学校は年に設立されました。現在の生徒数は187@if ( $school->rank->rank_iIntStud > 0)人で、そのうち留学生は-1.00%を占めています。@endif。