The purpose at Churchill Center & School is to give high potential children with learning disabilities the finest individualized remedial education and the support they need to achieve and return to a traditional classroom and to foster greater understanding and support for all people with learning disabilities by training other educators, supporting our families and enlightening the community. Our program is child-centered and focuses on the remediation of the academic weaknesses of each child. We analyze each child's specific needs and abilities, tailor our expectations and programs accordingly, promote student responsibility and celebrate when that child succeeds.
Churchill Center & School for Learning Disabilitiesについてよくある質問
Churchill Center & School for Learning Disabilitiesについて簡単に紹介してください。
Churchill Center & School for Learning Disabilitiesは、アメリカのミズーリ州, アメリカに位置する男女共学私立です。学校は年に設立されました。現在の生徒数は116@if ( $school->rank->rank_iIntStud > 0)人で、そのうち留学生は-1.00%を占めています。@endif。