Children's Center provide specialized services that are comprehensive, intensive and individualized. Our staff of vision-certified teachers, braille instructors, orientation and mobility specialists and therapists who are experienced in the field of vision provides expertise in planning, developing and implementing education programs that address all aspects of the child's development. We incorporate assistive technology to facilitate success and include a variety of real-life experiences designed to increase independence and develop self-confidence. We emphasize early literacy through print and braille instruction and independent travel through orientation and mobility instruction. Children's Center strive to empower visually impaired children and their families to function successfully in the world. By providing an atmosphere that is rich in diverse experiences, focused on potential rather than limitations and based on sound educational principles and best practice, we are preparing our children for continued success long after they transition out of CCVI and into their home school districts. Educating parents about their children's visual issues is a priority and is done on an individual basis as well as through group meetings. The mission of the Children's Center for the Visually Impaired is to prepare children with visual impairments, including those with multiple disabilities, to function at their highest potential in the sighted world.
Childrens Center For The Visually Impairedについてよくある質問
Childrens Center For The Visually Impairedについて簡単に紹介してください。
Childrens Center For The Visually Impairedは、アメリカのミズーリ州, アメリカに位置する男女共学私立です。学校は年に設立されました。現在の生徒数は78@if ( $school->rank->rank_iIntStud > 0)人で、そのうち留学生は-1.00%を占めています。@endif。