Established in 1970, Centreville Academy seeks to encourage each student to reach his/her full academic, athletic, and spiritual potential by striving to provide a quality, well-rounded education in a Christian environment. We offer programs for K5 through 12th grade which include excellent academic programs as well as extracurricular activities. The elementary curriculum includes Saxon math (K-6), SRA reading program, science hands-on laboratory experiments, social studies, Mississippi history (grade 6), Health, Spelling, and deportment. Elementary classes participate in the MPSA's annual art and spelling bee contests, the Accelerated Reader program, the Presidential Physical Fitness program, St. Jude's Math-a-thon and Jump Rope for Heart, Christmas programs, and Field Day programs. The high school curriculum expands the curriculum instituted in elementary. The English program continues the AR program and adds literature, writing, speech, and grammar. The math curriculum continues with the Saxon math program. The seventh and eighth grade math students compete in a program at Southwest Mississippi Community College sponsored by the MS Council of Teachers of Mathematics. The science program integrates knowledge of science with the ability to experiment. Beginning in the 7th grade, all students enrolled in a science course present a Science Fair project. Participants compete at the school, district, and state levels. Students in grades 7 - 12 may also participate in the Quiz Bowl.