The purpose of the Center Montessori School is to educate children by subordinating teaching to learning so that children are empowered to continue to educate themselves throughout their lifetimes. We strive to provide intellectually stimulating, unlimited learning opportunities in a physically and emotionally safe environment, respectful of the whole child, so that the child may become academically advanced, culturally enriched, socially adept, emotionally secure, and physically fit according to the child's potential. The school seeks to develop competent social skills within the children by teaching them strategies for solving problems. Children are encouraged to dialogue with each other in order to express their feelings and to deal with interpersonal issues. They are guided by teachers who are interested in preserving the children's self-esteem and in helping them become self-disciplined. Our Montessori elementary education program takes into account the child's growing transformation from one who learns through concrete examples to one who can learn from and make abstractions. Consequently, one finds an array of educational hands-on materials, sequenced and structured to guide the child through the passage from the concrete to the abstract. These materials span lessons of language, mathematics, and cultural subjects.