Cathedral School began educating children in 1946 and since that time over 2,000 graduates have passed through our school doors. Cathedral School is a fully approved school, owned by Cathedral of the Holy Spirit and serving students throughout the Bismarck area. It is both an elementary and junior high school offering quality education to students in grades K through 8. Cathedral is a school that strives to promote a Christian atmosphere of learning in which all students are led to develop themselves intellectually, spiritually, socially and physically. Cathedral School offers personal experiences in Christian living through school liturgies, daily prayer, religion classes and sacramental preparation. Programs for the reception of the Sacraments of Eucharist and Reconciliation take place in grade two. All Junior High students attending Cathedral School are eligible to be in the Confirmation program at Cathedral Parish. The program spans both seventh and eighth grade years with academic preparation taking place during daily religion class. The Sacrament of Confirmation is received in the spring of eighth grade.