Casa Montessori, Inc., a non-profit, non-sectarian, California corporation was founded in 1971 by Mrs. Sakura M. Long and three other directors. Children learn concentration, order, and skills adapted to our culture by practical life activities. They increase the activity of their senses through the sensorial materials. The Montessori school is designed to accommodate the developmental stages of children which occur in three year cycles. Therefore, we are ungraded. These mixed age groupings of children stay together for blocks of time in the same room. All materials show the theories in concrete form, and help to lead into the abstract. The subjects are learned by an integrated curriculum. The strategy of Montessori education is to develop the whole child through "whole views," because all knowledge is interrelated. The school fosters the child's sense of independence and responsibility. He develops his own discipline which Monetssori described as follows: "We call an individual disciplined when he is master of himself, and can, therefore, regulate his own conduct".