Carson Christian School, established in 1983, has been one of the most successful and growing schools in the Southland. Because of the self-motivating aspect of the curriculum and the dedication of the staff, the students have made headlines, and have graduated from High School as much as 3 years early. It is a self-paced, individualized program, allowing for students to work at their own pace without being in competition with each other. From kindergarten through twelfth grade, our "no fail" system facilitates true mastery of the subject material, rather than social promotions. Emphasis is placed on Phonics in the primary levels, producing an excellent turnout of readers. Whether gifted, average or below average, each student is able to greatly benefit from the beautifully written curriculum. Truly there is "no child left behind" in our individualized program. Our curriculum meets all of the CSU system's requirements and exceeds the State of California's requirements for graduation. Many of our students have been accepted by both state and private colleges and universities. Calif. State University at Dominguez Hills is the leader because of its close proximity to the community that we serve. We have also had students accepted at Cal. State Long Beach, Northridge, Santa Barbara, Fresno, and USC, as well as others.
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