The mission of the school is to provide a high-tech, high quality Bible-based educational system for training individuals in the highest principles of moral values and character development. Currently CCCA serves grades K-12. The lower grades use the ACE (Accelerated Christian Education) curriculum. Junior and Senior High students use computer-based Alpha Omega curriculum. Each student has his/her own computer. There are a variety of sports including boys and girls basketball, volleyball, softball, and others. Our students participate in state and national competitions for academics, arts, and sports.
Capital City Christian Academyは、アメリカのアーカンソー州, アメリカに位置する男女共学私立です。学校は年に設立されました。現在の生徒数は51@if ( $school->rank->rank_iIntStud > 0)人で、そのうち留学生は-1.00%を占めています。@endif。