CanyonStateAcademy(CSA) is a North Central Accredited School that operates on a year-round calendar that includes athletics and extra-curricular activities as well as vocational training. CSA is located on a 183 acre campus in Queen Creek, AZ. CSA employs all certified teachers and administrators that provide full educational services with a comprehensive special education program for disadvantaged male youth ages 11 to 18.
Approved to serve students with the following disabilities: A, ED, MIMR, MOMR, OI, OHI, SMR, SLD, SLI, NSE
CanyonStateAcademy CTDS: 072107001
Grades Served: 6-12
20061 E. Rittenhouse Rd.
Queen Creek, AZ 85242-9715
Mr.Mark Yockus, Principal
Phone: (480) 987-2046 Fax: (480) 987-5702