Calmont School promotes academic excellence in a magnificent, natural setting. Our nurturing faculty and small class size create a personalized and challenging education. Calmont School offers an enriched education. The teachers engage the students by helping them to develop their own unique strengths and set personal goals to explore other areas of potential interest. The supportive and professional staff provides the children with a safe environment in which they can grow intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, and creatively. We seek to establish a firm foundation in the core curriculum of reading, language arts, mathematics, social studies, and science. Well-developed oral, listening, and written communication skills are integrated into all subject areas. The curriculum is enriched through age-appropriate exposure to art, Spanish, computer, physical education, library, music, drama, and environmental studies. Calmont cultivates a close, caring, personable campus where children feel secure, appreciated and successful. The learning environment is one where challenge, support and risk-taking converge.