The Merdinian Armenian Evangelical School was founded in 1982. It is administered by an independent, non-profit corporation, Armenian Evangelical Schools of California, Inc. It is governed by a Board of Directors whose members represent the Armenian Missionary Association of America, the Armenian Evangelical Union of North America, the Armenian Evangelical Churches in the greater Los Angeles area, the school Parent-Teacher Organization, and the Armenian Evangelical community at large. We believe that the integration of the educational efforts of the home, the church, and the school is basic to the development of each child's fullest potential. This joint effort needs to encompass the following perspectives academic excellence, spiritual enrichment and moral guidance, social development, optimum physical development, knowledge and appreciation of the American and Armenian heritages.
お気に入りにC And E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical Schoolを追加したり、他の学校と比較したり、友達と共有したりしたい場合は、以下のショートカットをご利用ください。
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C And E Merdinian Armenian Evangelical Schoolは、アメリカのカリフォルニア, アメリカに位置する男女共学私立です。学校は年に設立されました。現在の生徒数は224@if ( $school->rank->rank_iIntStud > 0)人で、そのうち留学生は-1.00%を占めています。@endif。