Blessed Sacrament Regional School was founded in 1954 and has served the children of this region for the past 50 years. Through an environment that integrates Catholic values of respect, honesty, integrity and hard work, Blessed Sacrament Regional School provides a strong Christian education rich in Catholic traditions. We educate our children to become responsible, discerning citizens of the 21st century. We create a learning environment which nurtures the unique developmental aspects of each child fostering their intellectual, moral, spiritual, and social growth. We are committed to academic excellence which affords each student the opportunity to realize their maximum potential. In addition, Blessed Sacrament Regional School em-powers children to become proactive catalysts in the practice of their faith through reflective prayer, liturgical celebrations, and service projects. We also afford a wide spectrum of co-curricular and extracurricular activities which enable children to enrich and broaden their horizons.