Providing a Catholic Education, Bishop Kelley Catholic School, is accredited by the Michigan Non-public School Accrediting Association. Founded in 1950, BKCS is an elementary middle school consisting of grades preschool through grade eight and is affiliated with Immaculate Conception Parish in Lapeer, Michigan. Bishop Kelley School is a Catholic School instituted by the Immaculate Conception Parish community to teach Catholic doctrine, to nurture the development and personal practice of Christian values, and to provide an educational setting where academic standards are maintained. Academic instruction is provided by professional educators to promote excellence in all fields of study, helping each individual develop and achieve in accordance with the individual's needs and abilities through a variety of learning experiences. We consider our school to be an extension of the family. With the cooperation of the parent/guardian, Bishop Kelley Catholic School provides an excellent beginning to the lifelong process of learning.
1701年にフランスの毛皮商人によって設立され、アメリカ北東部、カナダのウィンザーの南、デトロイト川沿いに位置する重要な港町であり、世界的な自動車産業の中心地および音楽の都として知られています。都市名は、セントクレア湖とイリ湖を結ぶデトロイト川に由来し、フランス語の「Rivière du Détroit」(海峡の川)から来ています。