At Bishop Baraga Catholic School we take tremendous pride in being a Roman Catholic School. BBCS is an educational institution which is an extension of the deeply committed parents, priests, teachers, staff and parishioners who make our school possible. The mission of Bishop Baraga Catholic School is to mold students into examples of Christ. Each child can learn and has a unique contribution to make to the mission of the Roman Catholic Church. We provide students with a comprehensive educational opportunity by integrating challenging academics with Catholic teachings. Together with the family we strive to instill in our young people, qualities that will enable them to become successful productive Christian adults. BBCS faculty and staff recognize that parents are the primary educators of their children. Realizing this, the teaching we do at BBCS must support, encourage and extend the values, beliefs and knowledge which is taught at home as long as these teachings reflect the teachings of the Roman Catholic Church. At BBCS we accept our Christ-directed responsibility to help your children develop first spiritually and then academically, socially, emotionally and physically.