Bedford Village Morning School philosophy of discipline is based on respecting each child as an important individual with strengths and weaknesses. We believe that a child whose needs are being met will be a happy, well-adjusted child. We believe that setting limits gives children the security of knowing that their strong emotions will not lead them to do things that they will later regret. Children know an adult will take the responsibility of stopping unacceptable behavior until they are able to do so for themselves. BVMS's discipline is based on Haim Ginott's theories and knowledge of this theory is essential to every teacher at BVMS. A copy of How to Talk So Kids Will Listen is given to each staff member before the start of the school year. Parenting workshops are given throughout the year and every parent and staff member are urged to attend. It is here that he/she begins to learn that life is filled with choices and that with those choices come responsibilities and consequences. Here, he/she will begin to understand his/her own feelings and to appreciate the feelings of others.